“You’re going to make me fall in love with you, aren’t you?”
SQUEEEE!!!!! What an awesome book duet!! This is a double review for both books.
I read both books in this series back-to-back and absolutely loved them!! I was hooked from the first page of the prologue and couldn’t put either book down even for a minute. They totally consumed me! These books were addictive, thrilling, emotional, romantic, sexy, and everything I could want in a series!
I’ll be honest, it was the blurb of the first book that made me want to read them…
Liam wasn’t supposed to be my happily ever after.
He wasn’t even on my radar.
He was my husband’s best friend — forbidden.But my husband is dead and I’m alone. I ache for him and I reach for Liam.
One night with Liam changed everything. Now I have to decide if I truly love Liam or if he’s just the consolation prize.
See?? C’mon. Admit it. That’s intriguing!
What you don’t know from the blurb (but is revealed in the prologue) is that the heroine was pregnant when she got word that her husband was killed so this story isn’t just about her and Liam, it’s also about her daughter too. And let me tell you… watching Liam with this little baby girl was heart-melting!!!
I loved the way Liam came into their lives. There was nothing rushed about it. Initially he was just there to watch over them. He’s been her husband’s best friend and wanted to do for him what he would have done for any of his fallen brothers — care for their loved ones. Their romance just… happened. It was very believable to me and I absolutely was rooting for them. He was open and honest with Natalie about everything — talked with her about things he could have hidden, helped her in every way he could, was just there for her through everything, and also welcomed her daughter equally into his heart.
Lying on the couch is Liam with [my daughter] fast asleep on his chest. Her tiny hand is wrapped around his and they’re both holding on to each other. His huge body shields her as his arm holds her tight. It breaks my heart and mends it at the same time. Two parts of me are pulled apart. The one side that’s sad it’s not her father. The other part is grateful it’s Liam. Aarabelle shifts a little, and even in his sleep, he moves to accommodate and protect her.
The story was honestly just addictive to an extreme. It’s the kind of story where you start it and then suddenly realize that you’re half way through and feel like you’ve barely stopped to breathe. It’s well written, flows smoothly, and the story just draws you right in and keeps you flipping pages!
It’s told in alternating POVs (but more of her POV than his). It was angsty, but not gut-wrenching, emotional but not the ugly-cry kind… it was just enough of everything to keep my heart racing the whole way through and make me unable to put it down until I got to the very end.
Liam and Natalie had fantastic chemistry and their banter was pure awesomeness (I have so many highlighted sections in my book) and I just generally loved the way their relationship built and developed.
They had a lot of things to work through though — like for example how she was naturally wary of falling for another SEAL after already loosing her husband to this dangerous career. But regardless of the set backs, they fell strong and hard for each other and I totally believed in their love.
It’s difficult to love someone and know they might not come home, but the idea of not loving him is unimaginable. I was built for this life — not every woman can be a military wife, but even fewer can handle being a SEAL wife. You have to love deeper, stand stronger, but know that at any moment bonds can break.
The ending of the first book was thoroughly gasp-worthy (even though I admittedly did guess that that would happen about half way through the book). Still, it had the intended effect and I immediately dove into the next book without hesitation.
Given the nature of the twist, the second book was naturally a little more… stressful?… than the first book, but no less addictive. For those of you who maybe have worries, I’ll just say: don’t be scared. K? You guys know the kinds of things that bother me and I promise this series doesn’t have any of that. So you’re good. Just enjoy the ride!
This isn’t my fight. It’s hers.
I’ll never be able to push her away. I’ll wait forever if I have to, but I can’t fight this battle.
She has to be the one to choose me.
If she loves me like she says, she knows where to find me.
I’m pretty sure I read the second book even faster than I read the first one — that one made me almost more desperate to be sure things all worked out the way I wanted them too. I can say though that I was really thrilled with it. And I loved the way the epilogue completed the story. It was just beautiful!
If you love badass Alpha male heroes and sexy romances that keep your heart racing, then this highly addictive series is a must-read! These are definitely new favorites for me!
Rating: 4.5 stars! Complete 2-book series. Contemporary Adult romance.
#1 CONSOLATION — Buy for Kindle | Buy in Paperback
#2 CONVICTION — Buy for Kindle | Paperback coming soon