“I’m broken, and I want you to fix me.”
SQUEEE!!!! I loooooved this book!! I was hooked from the very first page and spent the rest of my afternoon laughing out loud, swooning, fanning myself, and highlighting awesome and hilarious quotes non-stop! Fans of Beautiful Disaster or Wait For You should definitely check this out 🙂
So it’s about this girl, Hannah, who is crushing hard on a football player. She’s not one to usually get this mushy over a guy, but he’s caught her eye and she wishes she was on his radar.
The hero is a a guy named Garrett. He’s a bad boy hockey player with a bit of a manwhoring reputation around campus who is in one of her classes and borderline failing. He’s a smart guy, but this class just isn’t his forte. Lucky for him, she’s acing it… and he makes it his mission to get her to tutor him. Unfortunately for him though, she’s not remotely interested in anything he has to offer in exchange.
“How about a date?” I offer.
That gets her attention. She straightens up like someone shoved a metal rod up her spine, then swivels her head in astonishment. “What?”
“Ah. I’ve got your attention.”
“No, you’ve got my disgust. You actually think I want to go out with you?”
“Everyone wants to go out with me.”
She bursts out laughing…
“Just out of curiosity,” she says, “after you wake up in the morning, do you admire yourself in the mirror for one hour or two?”
“Two,” I reply cheerfully.. “I kiss each one of my biceps and then point to the ceiling and thank the big man upstairs for creating such a perfect male specimen.”
She snorts. “Uh-huh. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Perfect, but I’m not interested in dating you.”
After a few days of trying his best to wear her down, he finally comes up with an idea: he’ll help elevate her social status by pretending to date her — thus making her more likely to catch the eye of her crush IF she’ll tutor him. She finally relents and the deal is formed.
But the more time they spend together, the closer they get… and even though Garrett swore he didn’t want a girlfriend, he falls for her… and makes it his mission to show her that he’s actually the guy she wants.
I have to say, this is the first time a girl’s been worried about getting caught in my bedroom. Normally they strut out like they’ve just bagged Brad Pitt.
Hannah takes a breath. “We studied. We watched TV. I went home late. That’s what happened. Got it?”
I fight back laughter. “As you wish.”
“Did you really just Princess Bride me?”
“Did you really just use Princess Bride as a verb?”
She glowers.
I loved the way their relationship developed almost by accident. Neither of them meant for it to happen. They just began hanging out, spending time together, and one thing naturally led to another. (Side note: after reading about them watching Breaking Bad together, I kinda want to watch the show too!)
Just to clear up a question I’ve been asked by several readers: there is NO cheating and no triangle in this story. He does hook up with two girls (literally just meaningless one-night stands) before he and Hannah become a couple. But once they’re together, all that ends. So don’t worry!
This book had the ability to make me swoon one minute, put my heart in my throat the next, then literally make me burst right out laughing out of the blue. Here, I just have to share this one scene…
The guy protests… “I don’t think you should go in th—“
I burst into the locker room and —
Sweet Jesus.
Penises everywhere.
Horror slams into me as I register what I’m seeing. Oh God. I’ve stumbled onto a penis convention. Big penises and small penises and fat penises and penis-shaped penises. It doesn’t matter which direction I move my head because everywhere I look I see penises.
My mortified gasp draws the attention of every penis — er, guy, in the room. In a heartbeat, towels snap up and hands cover junk and bodies shuffle around, while I stand in the front of the room blushing like a tomato.
Teeheeeeee!!!! C’mon, doesn’t that make you want to read the book?? 😀
You’ll swoon hard over Garrett, wish Hannah was your BFF, and totally get caught up in their story. It’s fun, sexy, but with just enough ‘seriousness’ mixed in to ground the story as well. I really loved it!
This was one of the best college romance I’ve read. It had epic banter, sexy romance, and fantastic writing!! I laughed, I swooned, I couldn’t put it down. Highly recommended!!
Rating: 4.5 — 5 stars. Standalone NA romance.
Each book is a different couple. Click covers to purchase.