“Gorgeous, arrogant, and pissed off?”
I chuckled a little. “Yeah, that’s him.”
What an awesome book!! I read it in one sitting because I could NOT put it down even for a minute!! It was exactly the kind of book I was looking for. The story started off as sexy, sassy, and swoony with an intriguing story and great banter. Then it turned hot and heart-warming, right before a huge twist that brought all the angst and feels!! It was the perfect blend of everything I could hope for in an addictive romance! I loved it!
Here, let me show you the blurb because it was what sold me on the book…
It started out like any other morning on the train.
Until I became mesmerized by the guy sitting across the aisle.
He was barking at someone on his phone like he ruled the world.
Who did the stuck-up suit think he was…God?
Actually, he looked like a God. That was about it.
When his stop came, he got up suddenly and left.
So suddenly, he dropped his phone on the way out.
I might have picked it up.
I might have gone through all of his photos and called some of the numbers.
I might have held onto the mystery man’s phone for days―until I finally conjured up the courage to return it.
When I traipsed my ass across town to his fancy company, he refused to see me.
So, I left the phone on the empty desk outside the arrogant jerk’s office.
I might have also left behind a dirty picture on it first though.I didn’t expect him to text back.
I didn’t expect our exchanges to be hot as hell.
I didn’t expect to fall for him―all before we even met.
The two of us couldn’t have been any more different.
Yet, you know what they say about opposites.When we finally came face to face, we found out opposites sometimes do more than attract―we consumed each other.
Nothing could have prepared me for the ride he took me on. And I certainly wasn’t prepared for where I’d wind up when the ride was over.
All good things must come to an end, right?
Except our ending was one I didn’t see coming.
Isn’t that enticing?? I just had to read it!
The hero and heroine were poplar opposites. You might not think of them as a perfect match but in truth, they complimented each other perfectly. Soraya was exactly the kind of girl I feel like I could easily be best friends with. She was sassy and feisty with all kinds of attitude. She was bold, daring, hot tempered, and had no problems calling Graham out on anything at all. Contrary to her, Graham was quite the “stuck-up suit” at first. Despite how gorgeous he was, he certainly came off as closed off and arrogant before she really got to know him, but my gosh did he ever have the sweetest side once he began to open up to her. Seriously, that whole hair dye thing made me swoooooon!! And more than anything, I loved that together they were quite open and honest with each other. Naturally they both had their share of baggage and issues to work through but there was absolutely no doubt that they not only were good together, but they were really trying to make things work. I genuinely LOVED their romance.
“I love how honest you always are with me about your thoughts and feelings.” She leaned in and gripped my wool sweater… “In fact, I prefer blunt honesty to anything else. I always want you to tell me the truth, even when you’re afraid it might offend me. I don’t think you understand how much I need the truth.”
Then came the twist!!! And I loved this twist because it was something external to their relationship which affected them both. This is actually my favorite source of ‘drama’ in books — where it’s not a problem between the main couple, but rather something that happens essentially to them instead of something one of them does to the other. And this particular twist was regarding something I really love in romance and the whole way they both handled it was just so wonderful even though it kept my heart racing and my eyes glued to the page.
Gah!! This book was really awesome! So many scenes literally made me laugh out loud and I have countless fun quotes highlighted in my book. Here’s a random example of one of their phone calls…
“What will you be doing all day?”
“Assisting [with piercings]. I swab the area before she pierces and hold hands with the chickens.”
I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer, but I asked anyways. “What will you be swabbing?”
“The usual. Ears, noses, belly buttons, tongues, nipples, a penis or two.
“Come again?”
“It’s clinical.”
“Yes, that makes me feel better about you swabbing a man’s cock…”
“Relax. It’s no big deal.”
“Yes. You’re right.”
“I am?”
“Sure.” I partially cover the phone and yelled to my secretary, who wasn’t in today. “Elizabeth? Can you come in here a minute?”
“Elizabeth? Isn’t that your new secretary?”
“Yes. I’m going to wash her tits.”
Soraya chuckled. The woman damn laughed at me. Again.
“What’s so funny?”
“I’ve seen firsthand the way you treat your secretaries. Pretty sure she wouldn’t let you wash her feet, much less her tits.”
Sadly, she was probably right.
Oh and it was HOT too!! If you’re looking for something sexy, this’ll deliver! Starting from the flirty texts and banter in the beginning, straight through to the steamy bedroom scenes later, this book definitely had heat!!
“Let me tell you something, Soraya. I may not be the nicest guy on the planet or even the best fit for you. In fact, I know I’m not. But you can’t deny what’s going on between us. There’s only one way to end this.”
“And what’s that?”
“Me buried deep inside of you.”
It’s told in first person from dual perspectives giving us both sides of the story. It’s also a standalone romance so you get the full story in one sitting. No cheating, no triangle, and a great epilogue!
Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward are two of the very best authors in contemporary romance right now. Both have already released books I loved this year that are sitting on my list of Best Books of 2016 (The Baller by Vi Keeland and RoomHate by Penelope Ward) so when I saw that this book was written by both of them together, I absolutely couldn’t resist diving right in and I highly recommend you do the same! This is definitely a new top favorite!
He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. “No one knows what’s going to happen from one day to the next, but if the world were to end tomorrow, there’s no place I’d rather be than right here with you. That tells me everything I need to know.”
Rating: 4.5 stars!! Standalone Adult Romance.