“You will always be my forever.”
Fierce, powerful, and absolutely breathtaking, this beautifully-written book will sweep you away in an epic love story that spans years and lasts a lifetime. The Paper Swan is a must-read for any romance readers who are searching for a completely unique story that’ll captivate you from start to finish. While the twists and turns are intense, gritty, and sometimes even dark, this was actually one of the sweetest and most beautiful love stories I’ve ever read. I loved every word and highly recommend it!
I want to be very clear that this is a standalone romance with no love triangle. It’s also not tragic (really, the ending is gorgeous) so you do not have to worry about anything. Yes, it’s a truly crazy ride, but I’m almost certain that any romance reader will love this and not have any problem with any of it’s content.
This is one of those stories that you just need to have TRUST with. Trust the author and trust me when I say that its better not to know anything about this story before you start it other than the blurb…
They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. They lie. For 21 days she held on. But on Day 22, she would have given anything for the sweet slumber of death. Because on Day 22, she realizes that her only way out means certain death for one of the two men she loves.
Don’t freak out! Remember: there’s no triangle and it’s not tragic. I know there are a bunch of you right now sitting here reading this and eyeing this blurb warily but just trust me, I get it. The very first thing I did when I saw it was go out and make sure there was no triangle/cheating/death before I even considered reading the book, and even though the blurb is accurate, it’s also not what you think. I promise, cross my heart, and pinky swear that it’s not going to devastate you. It’s just a really unique love story, but it has everything that would make a romance fan happy even though it’s edgy and has darker moments. You guys know that I always warn you whenever there’s anything I think you should know beforehand but this is one of those times when really, you’ll be fine. I wouldn’t say that unless I meant it. Just dive in!
I wished I could see myself through his eyes.
Then again, he never looked at me with his eyes.
He looked at me with his soul.
When you start the book, holy hell, the prologue just throws you right into the story! It’s immediately captivating because you’re suddenly in this intense, life-threatening situation with the heroine and, just like her, you have absolutely no idea why it’s happening, or what is going to happen next. There are so many questions and so many possibly directions for the story to take so it just begs you to turn the page!
I loved that the heroine was strong, smart, and capable. She was relatable, down-to-earth, and just felt very much like a real person I’d love to get to know. And I totally fell for the hero (or, you could really say anti-hero). This guy had been dealt a truly unfortunate hand of cards and his life lead him down a dangerous and destructive path, but with the way it was written, you were shown why he’d become that man. At what point does a person bear too much pain? At what point does it change them? I loved the complexity of his character and the range of emotion his story drew out of me over the course of this book.
This is a story that keeps you guessing the whole way through and toys with your heart while unraveling an intricate tale of passion, vengeance, redemption, sacrifice, acceptance, forgiveness, and the purest form of love, where the lines between good and bad are often blurred, and with writing so vivid that you feel like you’re experiencing the story alongside the characters. It begins in childhood and tells the story of how a boy turns into a monster and loses himself while trying to save the one he loves most, but how that monster can too find love because even though he’s no longer that boy, a part of him still remembers who he was and who he loved. It’s filled with emotion, intrigue, suspense and passion. I couldn’t put it down!
That’s honestly as much as I want to say about the story. I feel very strongly that you should just go into this book blind. I can technically categorize the type of romance but I want you to be as surprised and thrilled as I was while you read. Despite this story’s gritty and sometimes even violent twists and turns, this was honestly turned out to be one of the heart-warming love stories I’ve read. Leylah Attar’s stunning writing wraps you up in this epic journey and sweeps you away. This book had it all — beautiful writing, beautiful story, beautiful cover. It’s one of my top favorites of this year and a must-read recommendation!!
“It’s not over, you know. It never has been,” he said.
“Whether you say yes or no, you will always be my forever.”
Rating 5 stars! Standalone contemporary romance.
And again… there’s NO cheating, NO triangle, and it’s NOT tragic. I promise.