I am so excited to be featuring one of my favorite authors, Fisher Amelie, on the blog today! She has written several books but the ones we’re going to feature today are from the Seven Deadly Sins series. This is a series of interconnected standalones. The first book, VAIN, is already out and the second book, GREED, is due to be released early Fall 2013.
Today I have an exclusive never-seen-before teaser from GREED for you below along with a signed international giveaway of VAIN!! So scroll down and check them both out!
In case you aren’t yet familiar with the first book, VAIN, here’s a little bit about it…

If you’re looking for a story about a good, humble girl, who’s been hurt by someone she thought she could trust, only to find out she’s not as vulnerable as she thought she was and discovers an empowering side of herself that falls in love with the guy who helps her find that self, blah, blah, blah…then you’re gonna’ hate my story.
Because mine is not the story you read every time you bend back the cover of the latest trend novel. It’s not the “I can do anything, now that I’ve found you/I’m misunderstood but one day you’ll find me irresistible because of it” tale. Why? Because, if I was being honest with you, I’m a complete witch. There’s nothing redeeming about me. I’m a friend using, drug abusing, sex addict from Los Angeles. I’m every girlfriend’s worst nightmare and every boy’s fantasy.
I’m Sophie Price…And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most envied girl to the girl no one wanted around and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
And now, on to the teaser from book #2! This will be focused on different characters than the first book. GREED is Spencer’s story.
To be released Early Fall 2013.
“I’m here. Room five-seven-eight.”
“Lobby,” was my only response.
I hung up. I’d reimburse her for the room as I always did, to avoid a paper trail.
By the time I entered the lobby after walking the remainder of the lot, Lola sat secreted in a corner next to the cool steel sculpture at the room’s center. She stood when she saw me, devastatingly beautiful. She inclined her head and I reciprocated. She eyed me with appreciation but as always, she did nothing for me. Uncommonly pretty but not much else. Also, never dip your pen in the company ink, gentlemen, even if the company isn’t necessarily aware she’s stocked.
We entered the hotel bar. I, casually with my jacket unbuttoned and a single hand in my front pocket and she, as seductive as any femme fatale there ever was. I spotted my target, Peter Knight, waiting at the bar, studying a whiskey neat twirling in the glass before him. Damn, I cursed under my breath. He’d beaten me there. He didn’t notice Lola either, though, making my stomach clench a little in hesitation. I hoped he was distracted instead of the stand-up guy I suspected he was. I fought the nausea.
Lola and I sat together in the darkest corner of the bar, as out of sight as we could possibly get. Peter Knight kept glancing at his watch, waiting for the meeting with an executive that would never come. He ordered one more whiskey and that was my cue. I glanced at Lola, nodding once and she stood, making her way toward Peter, choosing a seat two down from him.
She ordered the same drink Peter had because we’d done our research. Her hand covered the rim of the glass, the drug she’d held in her palm fell to the bottom. I could tell it had already begun to dissolve. Her hands moved to the sides of the glass to cover the effects.
I knew when it was fully mixed because her hands fell flat on the bar top. She leaned back into her stool and displayed her breasts, her arms moving to rest on her lap. Every man with a pulse, including Peter this time, took note of her. She was effortless. She smiled lasciviously at him.
“Hi,” I heard her breathe.
Peter only nodded once and turned back to his drink. Confirmed. He looked but he didn’t touch. My jaw pressed tightly. Damn, he didn’t take the bait. Plan B.
Lola quickly glanced my way and imperceptibly shook her head once. I stood, coolly removed a handkerchief from my front left pocket, patted my neck and forehead, replaced it, smoothed out my jacket, tugged at my cufflinks ensuring the cuffs were stiff and made my way to the bar top, sliding into the stool right next to Peter. He smiled at me then glanced at his watch once more. I was running out of time. The bartender approached me.
“What’ll it be?” he asked.
“What are you drinking?” I asked Peter.
He smiled. “Macallan, eighteen, neat.”
“The same,” I said with a grin, oozing charm. Open up room for conversation.
“Popular tonight,” the bartender said simply, making my adrenaline spike.
“It’s a great vintage,” I hedged.
We silently watched the bartender pour me a matching glass and walk away to attend another customer. I internally breathed a sigh of relief.
“Jonathan,” I lied, extending a hand.
I was always Jonathan. I don’t think “Lola” knew it as anything else during our little charades.
“Peter,” he answered, taking it.
I took a sip then set the glass down, nervously twisting it back and forth in the palms of my hands. I sat up slightly, checking my actions, and angled myself toward him, making eye contact. Establish trust. I breathed deeply, taking yet another sip. Don’t waste time.
“Are you from the area?” I asked.
“No, actually, I…” he started but before he could finish, I faked a clumsy movement, sweeping the pen he had sitting on the bar top next to him onto the floor.
“I’m so sorry,” I said, as we both made a move to retrieve the pen.
I grabbed it first and awkwardly fumbled with it, distracting him further. Hope he buys this. I watched through my peripheral as Lola subtly switched her roofie-laced whisky with his glass. When she righted herself, I handed it back to him. He sat back in his stool.
“Butter fingers,” I joshed.
He took a swig, a third of the glass’ contents gone.
“Nervous?” Peter asked, more astute than I previously gave him credit for.
I went with it. “Uh, yeah. I’m meeting a girl here. Blind date.” I noticed Lola smirk.
“Well, that explains it,” he laughed, slapping me on my sore shoulder. I took the pain. I deserved it. “Get out early, I always say. Dating is the pits,” he joshedjoked.
I cleared my throat and followed his lead as he took another swig, unaware of the poison streaming down his gullet.
“Married then?”
“Yes.” He sighed. “Thirty years next week, actually.”
I felt beads of sweat pour down my back at the declaration. He took yet another sip. I narrowly stopped myself from swiping the glass from his hands. Even if he drops, which he will, you can still back out. Just help him to his room. He’ll think he’d had too much. He’ll only wake up with a great night’s sleep.
“And you’re still happy?” I asked, ignoring my conscience, grasping for anything terrible, anything that could justify what I was about to do.
“Oh, you know, it’s not easy, not all the time anyway, but I can honestly say I am genuinely happy with Maggie. She’s my everything, if I was being candid.” He laughed at some private joke. I hated jokes. My punch line would destroy him if his wife ever found out.
My gut began to ache so terribly, my hand inadvertently scrubbed at my neck. He mistook it for nerves.
“Don’t worry, son. I’m waiting for someone, too, though it looks like he’s a no-show, and I flew in all the way this close to Christmas for nothing. Anyway, I’ll wait with you.”
“That’s so kind of you,” I told him honestly as he finished his drink.
He ordered another.
I glanced at Lola and she lightly tapped at her wrist but avoided eye contact.
Peter and I spoke of nothing consequential during the following fifteen minutes, but when that time came to a close, he appeared inebriated. So much so, that the bartender stopped by.
“Is he staying here?” he asked. “Wish I’d known the guy couldn’t hold his liquor.”
“It’s not a problem. He’s got a room here,” I told him. “Don’t worry, he’s a friend. I’ll take him back to his room.”
He nodded in answer, setting our tabs down on the bar top. I paid his as well as my tab in cash to avoid trace backs or, for that matter, waiting any longer. The drugs were taking effect and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle his dead weight despite my daily reps of two-eighty-five.
I made a move to stand as Peter slumped forward a little. You waited too long. “Come on, dude,” I told him, throwing his arm over my shoulder. We made our way toward the elevators.
“You’re a good man,” Peter slurred. “That’s rare…someone so young.”
I didn’t respond, couldn’t respond, really.
We barely made it to the elevators. I pitched him inside and sat him against the sidewall then held the door open with my hand, praying no one else would come. Lola quickly emerged ten seconds later without a word spoken and we let the doors close.
“We waited too long,” Lola said, when we reached her floor. She stuck her head out when the doors opened. “It’s clear,” she said.
I swung middle-aged Peter Knight onto my shoulders with only a little difficulty, glad for the minute rest I’d gotten between supporting his weight during the walk through the lobby and reaching Lola’s floor. “Lead the way,” I told her.
Lola took me to her room, quickly unlocked the door and we entered. The entire ordeal couldn’t have taken more than five minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I pitched him onto the bed. He laid there, clothes in disarray, hair mussed and snoring.
Lola and I watched him for a good thirty seconds, waiting for him to stir, but he didn’t. He was dead to the world.
“Shall we get started?” she asked.
I vacillated back and forth between right and wrong, willing myself to walk away, begging myself to figure a way out, but no argument was more convincing than the mil I was getting paid. Besides, I thought, as long as he complies, this is not a big deal at all. He can go back to his wife and kids and I can go back to Brown a little bit wealthier.
“Yes,” I answered.
Lola slithered from her dress and stood in her lace bustier and garters, let her curled hair down and went to the mirror, leaning over to freshen up her lipstick. I went to the bag on her bathroom counter and removed the SLR, slid on the power button and waited for her at the foot of the bed. I watched her, taking in her beautiful body, admiring her, internally acknowledging why she was the most expensive call girl I knew. She caught me staring in the mirror and smiled with beautifully perfect white teeth.
That’s when I noticed it. She was breathtaking, yes, but if you really took stock of her, took in her little flaws, she was revolting. Nose tinged red from recently snorting. Of course, I thought, how else could you do what you did. Slight bruising expertly covered up with makeup around the throat and arms, evidence of her profession. I thought of my sister and wondered if Lola had a brother or even a father. Ribs protruding, proof to the naked eye that she starved herself to stay thin. Another product of our society. Another otherwise gorgeous girl made ugly by the pressures and influence of an L.A. life. I turned my head and observed the man sleeping in front of me.
And how are you different? I asked myself. You’d do just about anything for money. You’d risk this man’s wife and family. And for what? So that your dad can manipulate another business deal to make him even more cash than he already has? More cash to spend in places where cash needn’t be spent?
Lola crawled across the bed, yanking at Peter’s tie, and licking the side of his face, posing with her leg wrapped around his.
Another million can give you better security, ensure you can live within the lifestyle you’re accustomed, eventually give you freedom from him.
Lola switched it up. She unbuttoned his shirt and spread her lacquered nails across his chest, pressing closely to him and smiling a viper’s expression at the camera.
It’s not likely this Maggie woman will ever see these photos anyway. It’s low risk and you get a cool mil out of a night’s work.
Lola straddled him, unbuckling his pants and threw her head back in mock satisfaction.
Giveaway is Open Internationally.
Void where prohibited by law. Must be over 18 to enter.
Katja Novak says
thanks for the giveaway! it’s awsome! 😀
Carla says
I really need to read this series!
Kellan Mercer says
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Jansen says
This book has been on my TBR for way too long!
eta37 says
Sara S. says
Awesome giveaway and teaser! 🙂
Kay Oliver says
Thank you for the giveaway!! I’ve had this book on my kindle for months now….I’m anxious to finally read it!
Lauren Rosa says
Thanks for giveaway!
Erin says
I cant wait to read Greed!
Kirsty says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Rebecca says
Thank you for the giveaway!!
Kristi C says
Thanks for another great giveaway!
Jennifer Cajas says
Awesome Thanks for the giveaway!
Keisha says
Book sounds amazing TY for giveaway.
Marcel Keesing says
Thank you for the fab giveaway can’t wait to see who wins mwhaa
Bernadeth says
Thank you for the giveaway!can’t wait for Greed!
Cristina Riquelme says
Thanks so much for this giveaway!!!!!
Trisha R. says
Amazing giveaway!! Thank you!
Loved the teaser for GREED can’t wait for it! <3
Laura says
Oh. My. Gosh. I loved Vain, and I can’t wait for Greed!
Lee Ann Maynard Pagliaro says
Thanks for giveaway!
rehana seedat says
Awesome giveaway. Would sure love to win this 🙂
Brianne says
Great giveaway! I loved this book!
Carrie Raasch says
Amazing book! I love Vain, Would love to win a copy! thank you for the giveaway and the chance!
Elexis says
I cannot wait to read Greed!!!! Thanks for the chance !!
Rachel Moderson says
I LOVED Vain. LOVED. IT. Thank you for the giveaway!
Shelly Ford says
I absolutely LOVED Vain! Phenomenal storyline and Fisher Amelie is an extremely gifted writer! I would love to win a signed copy! Thanks for the giveaway!
Lea says
Thanks for the giveaway!!! *fingers crossed*
Mandy I Read Indie says
I haven’t had the opportunity to read anything by Fisher yet, but hopefully soon!
SAnn Cricket says
Such a fantastic book!
Thanks for the chance to win a signed copy 🙂
Holly Leffler says
Can’t wait to read this one!!!
Sara says
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
kristen says
Want to read this book so bad. Ty for the giveaway!!!!!!
Lori says
So excited for Spencer’s story. Thanks for the giveaway and sneak peek.
Tami Peterson says
Definitely on my TBR list…
Kissa says
Awesome giveaway! This is one of my fave books 🙂
Sara G says
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. This sounds like a great book.
Diana Doan says
Vain has been on my TBR list for a long time now; I really need to get on it! Lol. Thank you for the giveaway <3
Elizabeth Tardencilla says
I want Greed so bad :3
gillian says
Best giveaway ever ! I love the seven deadly sins series 🙂
Phowpence says
Great review of Vain! And thank you for the chance to win a signed paperback 🙂
Florianne says
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
maaggie says
OMG I loved Vain!! Such a great story line! Can not wait for Greed 🙂
Pamela Christine says
thanks for the giveaway! need to read this 😀
Len Francisco says
Love the excerpt! Can’t waqit for Greed. Thanks for the giveaway!
Michelle N says
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
I love Vain!
jenna says
Oh thank you so much!!
Steffi says
Thank yoouuuuu!!! C: <3
Alexandra A says
Thank you for this awesome giveaway! <3
Joca says
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Donna Harris says
Thanks for the giveaway!
bettina.alphonse says
Awesome giveaway!! 🙂
Yvette says
Great giveaway. Loved this book! Can’t wait to read the next one. Pick ME ^_^
Dannica Alcantara says
I SO SO LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! I would love to really have the actual book~
Thanks for this chance!
Stacy says
Awesome giveaway!
Jennifer says
I love this book, and I can’t wait to read Greed!
cheryl ballew says
This one is going on my TBR list
Tammy R. says
Totally going on my TBR! I gotta “meet” this girl.
Mikky says
Thank for the awesome giveaway!
Kyla Patton says
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Wendy Roberts says
Looks like a good book! Thanks for the giveaway!
Lisa Omek says
SO excited !! Loved Vain, can’t wait for Greed !!
Kim says
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. Look forward to reading.
Bube says
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Anita Powers says
This book sounds so interesting, I am anxious to read a different kind of book. Great giveaway.
Leslie T. says
Awesome giveaway, thank you! I love Fisher Amelie’s writing!
HazelG says
Definitely want to read this one! Thanks for the chance to win 😉
Jacquie J says
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Gaby says
Thank you for the giveaway, this book sounds great! I definitely want to read it!
Joanne Christenson says
I cannot wait for Greed….this is an awesome giveaway
Bobbye says
This looks good, thanks for the giveaway 🙂
joe hawkshaw says
thanks for the giveaway
Mary Mooney says
Sounds great, great giveaway!
Patty P says
Thanks for the giveaway. Sounds good.
Leslie Serrano says
This looks like a good read. Thank you for the giveaway! Appreciate it ^_^
Nora A. says
thanks for the giveaway! ♥
Nikki flannery says
thanks for the giveaway
Lheanne Spicer says
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Kim B says
Great giveaway & teaser! Thank you!
Mary says
I’ve had this book on my TBR list for awhile. Need to read it soon. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ashley says
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Kimberly Mayberry says
Thank you for the giveaway.
danielle james says
Vain is one of my favorite books, so I know I will love Greed just as much!
tara san-van says
thx so much for the giveaway!
cindy says
Need to Read.
Jackie P says
Yay! Finally a set if books that aren’t run-of-the -mill! Excited about this series:). Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Yvonne C says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Kimberly Sheridan says
Great giveaway, the book sounds awesome
Deborah says
I loved this book!! It was different, and heartwarming too!!
Myra Espino says
Thank you for this awesome giveaway. 🙂
Say says
So want to win!Thanks for the giveaway.
Kat Joyce says
Thank you for this giveaway.
Lilith says
thank you for the giveaway 😉
Lilith says
thank you for the giveaway
Jennifer G says
Thanks for the Giveaway!! I can’t wait to read Greed 🙂
Emily McDonald says
I loved Vain and I can’t wait for Greed!!! Amelie Fisher is a rockstar.
Autumn Oertel says
Thank you! i can’t wait to get my hands on this Book! win or not! 🙂
Lorie Glowania says
Thanks for the giveaway
Becky Williams says
Thanks for the giveaway! I done ot all on my phone and it’s awquard as anything! :L
Mick Murphy says
Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve heard this book is amazing!
Valeria Pineda says
Thank you!!
Lariza says
Awesome giveaway!
Jen says
Melissa B says
I got to meet Fisher Amelie today and she is such a sweetheart!!! I am giddy to read Greed!!
Alejandra V. says
Oh, Thanks for this giveaway!
Dherby Bernas says
yay! Love this!
Laura G says
Thanks for the giveaway. I loved VAIN and I can’t wait for GREED to come out!!
Demitra says
Very beautiful post, thank you for the giveaway!!!
Jahlen Tuvilleja says
hope to win!
alyssa says
I’d love to check it out!!
Say says
Thanks for the giveaway =)
Wendy V says
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Sue T says
This one has been on my TBR list forever! I am really anxious to read it, so it would be great to win 🙂
Dinky says
Thank you for this amazing giveaway and Greed teaser ! 🙂
Mariola Fik-Izydor says
Have this on my TBR list. Great giveaway 🙂
Amanda H says
thanks for the giveaway!
Arriane Tamor says
thank you so much for the giveaway!
Z.H. says
Absolutely love this series!
Amy Pollard Woolard says
To have a signed copy of this book would be simply wonderful!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!
Cara says
Vain sounds interesting. Thanks for the giveaway.
Edna says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Michelle says
can’t wait for this release!
Megan W. says
This book is on my TBR list and I can’t wait to read it!
elly says
So can not wait for this book!!!!!!
Gabriela says
Thank you ! Amazing cover 🙂 .