2 stars
Ok, I’ll be honest here, the ONLY reason I finished this book was that I wanted to be able to rate it fairly but honestly, by 25% I was already thinking of stopping and by 50%, I pretty much just wanted to smash my kindle against the wall :S
Siiigh.. ok. Where to start?
k, its easier if I refer to characters by name so the heroine is Savanna, the shithead boyfriend is Ty, and the hero is Colt (who is also Ty’s cousin).
The set up of the story is that Ty and Savanna have been together since they were 14. When they go to college, she wants to be focused on her education and he wants to be focused on parties. That causes tension. She breaks up with him because she ‘just can’t deal with a relationship’ at the time as well as school. But *holds up one finger* she “never” intended it to be permanent… she just wanted to *squints skeptically* break up without really breaking up or something like that. *shakes head* Whatever. Ok. Another thing you should know is that Ty has been sleeping around behind her back for years will pretty much everything with breasts. Anyway, after begging her to take him back with no luck Ty goes back to partying until one day, Savanna walks in on with with his pants down with some girl and is so upset that she leaves the party. He’s drunk and steals a car to follow her and ends up with his car in a ditch and in a coma…
Six months later, he’s still in a coma and everyone pretty much resents Savanna and blames her for the accident. She spends every day at the hospital with him waiting for him to wake up. Until one day his hot cousin, Colt, walks in. He’s there to stay for the summer and help on Ty’s family farm…. one thing leads to another and they end up together. But.. she’s having trouble letting go of Ty.
This book was full of things that just made me want to tear my hair out… I’ll just list a few of them as examples:
- Savanna was a seriously annoying heroine. She was either incredibly dense or just a pushover because once we learn some of the dick things that Ty did to her while they were together, I have no way of sympethizing with why she didn’t dump him ages ago.
- Ty’s family was just HORRID to Savanna. Seriously, it was like their son walked on water or something… and she never once stood up to them but just took whatever they dished out.
- While Ty was sleeping around behind her back, pretty much everone except Savanna knew, including her best friend who NEVER TOLD HER. Wtf??
- Ty was just a SERIOUS jerk. I’m not sure I even WANT to see him redeemed in the next book. First of all, he was a serial liar and cheater but was also just a huge dick. Like seriously, he ACTUALLY had the nerve to tell her that his dick made the decisions but his heart had always belonged to her. WTF??!! O_o
- And then last 50% with all the stuff with Ty and Colt…. gah!!! Serious kindle-throwing frustration.
- Also, this is just personal preference but I’m usually really not into love triangle books unless there is very little back-and-forth and once the main couple is together, that that. And this book had a lot of wavering.
And just some weird stuff that didn’t make sense like a scene where she gets her face all cut up in a fight and needs stitches and the next day Colt and her have a mudfight getting mud all over her face. Again, WTF?
Honestly, the writing was stilted and the dialogue was cheesy. I found the beginning very rushed and never really felt that I was able to properly connect to any of the characters.
Yes, the hero was swoony. But in a too-perfect way. I don’t know. He was though, by FAR the best thing about this book. He’s the reason I didn’t give it a 1-star rating…
This book had a lot of angst and some steam but I honestly just feel like I wasted my afternoon.
Le sigh.
Book 2 is Ty’s story but I don’t think I’ll be going on to it. A hero who is willing to lie and cheat on his girlfriend for years and in a fit of rage wraps his hands around her throat and pushes her against the wall yelling “You bitch!” is just not someone I’m interested in reading a whole book about.
Ok. Moving on. I need something awesome next!!
PS – it does rate quite highly though on Amazon so I clearly am in the minority with my viewpoint on it. If you want to check it out, here’s the link: