Hi authors 🙂
If you are interested in having your book reviewed by me, please send me an email with the book’s description and the answers to these questions. But first, feel free to check out these two links about how I run my blog…
I will read any book as long as I like the sound of it — I’m equally open to indie books and traditionally published ones. The only thing that matters to me is whether the story is one that intrigues me.
These are questions I ask about every book I consider to help determine how likely I am to read it.
- Genre: Contemporary, paranormal, other?
- YA, NA, Adult, or Erotic?
- Currently available? If not, what is the release date?
- How long is the book?
- Is there a HEA?
- Standalone or part of a series?
- If a series, are they interconnected standalones or one continuing story?
- If a continuing story/series, do the books have cliffhangers?
- If a continuing story/series, are the rest of the books already out? Already written? When are you planning on releasing them? And, will the story end happily?
- Is there any cheating? If so, what kind?
- Is there a love triangle? If so, how long before it gets resolved?
- Is there any stupidity from the characters that keeps them apart for any reason? (Please be brutally honest about this answer. This is my number one pet peeve in books. That said, I’m not intolerant to it, I just want a heads up about what kind is there and how long it take the characters to get over it.)
- F/M? M/M? Ménage?
- Approximately how far into the book do the main couple get together?
- Are they (or do they try to be) functional as a couple?
- Would you describe it as fluffy, warm, angsty, dark, emotional, deep, funny? Something else?
Please also include the following in the email:
- Synopsis/blurb
- Amazon and B&N links
- Goodreads link
- Small excerpt so that I can get a feel for the writing style
I like to have this information in advance of considering which book to read next because reading time is precious and it is my personal preference to know exactly what kind of book I’m getting into prior to starting it. Even if there is something in the plot that I usually don’t like (i.e. a love triangle), I’ll often still be open to reading it anyways as long as I’m intrigued by the general storyline and have a heads-up to expect it. Every reader is different and I personally just like to know.
The review request form must be filled out and sent by the author preferably (or publisher). Unfortunately, I don’t accept requests from street team members or PAs. The reason for that is that I quite genuinely would like to see the author’s responses to these questions. But if you’re a reader and would like to recommend me a book, you can always reach out to me on Facebook.
Please submit your review requests by EMAIL ONLY at < aestas0@gmail.com >
Thank you so much! 🙂
**NOTE TO AUTHORS: I do not ever “accept” or “deny” requests. I welcome each and every one and since I’m a mood reader (meaning I read based on what appeals to me in the moment, not based on a schedule) different books will likely appeal more to me at certain times so I try to not ever say yes or no. I am also currently swamped with requests and with various blog-related things so I want you to know that it is very unlikely that I will respond to your email unless I have a direct question about its content. But I do read every single one. Always. I just don’t have the time to reply to them. If I don’t reply, it doesn’t mean I’m not interested, it simply means that I have no questions to ask and I have all the information I need. Each request gets sorted into a variety of special folders I keep. I run this blog alone and quite literally don’t have the time to answer them all individually as it usually comes down a choice between taking the time to answer emails or reading. So if you don’t hear back from me, I’m not ignoring you. I read every single request that gets sent. I generally only reply if there’s something I have a question about. Like I said, I’m a mood reader so my decision to read a book is always made last minute from my pool of options, not according to a schedule. I also don’t rate/review books that are less than 4 stars for me. And finally, if I read and love your book, I will always reach out to send you a link to the review once it’s live!
**SECOND NOTE: I do not review every book I read. I used to, but I haven’t for the last year or so. I mostly now stick to reviewing books that I either like or love only. Why? For several reasons. First, I’m all about the positive. I blog based on the policy of being loud about what I love and quiet about what I don’t. My blog gets over 950,000 views each month… if I don’t like a book and write a review explaining why, that reaches a lot of people and all it does is create negativity that I’m not interested in having on here. If I don’t like a book, I’ll simply move on quietly and also won’t post about the book ever again. But that’s the extent to which I’ll go. I prefer focusing on the books I like and love and want to recommend to my readers. That way it just keeps the whole vibe positive and doesn’t make anyone feel bad. After all, every reader is different. A book that one person hated could be another reader’s most favorite book in the world — and that’s totally ok!! I have no desire to make any author or reader feel bad because I didn’t like their book. But at the same time, the most important thing to me (above all else) is keeping my readers’ trust — so honesty is my number one priority. As a result, I focus on books I truly love and that creates both a positive environment and a place with honest recommendations of books I’ve loved or am excited to read.
Thank you for understanding.
PS: Please DO NOT add my email to your mailing list without asking my permission beforehand.
Stacy says
Two things – 1st just wanted to let you know that I love the new lay-out of the site. 2nd there is a book I think you should check out so good – The Edge Of Darkness (Darkness Trinity) by Melissa Andrea and it is on sell right now for .99
Michelle Caro says
My only request at this time is that you define HEA. Thank you for your time.
Kathleen Dubois says
My guess would be Happily Ever After?
Amelia Tugger says
Happily Ever After indeed!
Hayley sandiford says
Hi thank you so much for all your recommendations and the helpful page you have on Facebook ( even though my bank balance disagrees) . Please could you put a question on fb to fine out some great biker books with HEA , I know the mains ones but somewhere there must be some new hidden ones. Thank you again.
Katie says
I agree! I’m looking for the same 🙂 I’ve read the most popular , for example Jonna’s books. But I’m looking for more too. With an HEA! Thanks in advance!
Annabelle says
Kylie Hillman has a great (at-time) dark MC series that’s right up there with the best. Her Black Shamrocks MC has happy-for-now endings to each book, but she’s promised me a HEA for the whole series (I might stalk her a little bit lol). I stumbled across her on Goodreads after finsihing all the well-known MC books.
Sheena Lumsden says
do you ship to the UK, just on your site and wondered if i ordered anything would you be able to send it to the uk or not. If not I have a couple of friends in the USA I could get stuff sent to them and ask them to ship it over to me.
Aestas says
How so? I dont personally ship anything to anyone through the blog. Do you mean from the store here? That ships internationally but doesn’t go through me directly.
Stephanie Johnson says
If you haven’t read or seen Storm Damages by Magda Alexander, I recommend you check it out. Too late to put it on your site, but its free this weekend 10/5 – 10/6. Major cliffy, but amazing read.
Jamers8x2 says
Oh wow…yeah. Thank you, lol. I’ll definitely have to get that one… I do hate cliffhangers though!
Sharleen Lampkin says
Just a recommendation to add to your lengthy TBR list. I just finished Midlife Love: At Last by Whitney Garcia Williams (the second in her series, the first was Midlife Love). I highly recommend! She has great writing style. The dialogue is HILARIOUS! The H/h are people you would want to meet. Loved the sarcasm, the heat, storyline, etc. H is a billionaire, 29 yo, h is a 40 yo divorcee with twin teenage girls. Not your typical NA but ohhhh soooo good!!!! Would love to hear your thoughts on it!
TheGirl says
Most definitely will send you an email!
Agirl says
Hey guys. I know you’re probably unable to control this but larger girls would like your shirts too. Most places go up to 4x.
Aestas says
I don’t have control over the sizing unfortunately as the shirts don’t come from me personally. If I could, I would.
I do however have plus size shirts available that come up to 3X. Unfortunately though, that’s what the company offers 🙁
Melissa Foster says
Hi, your email is bouncing back. Is there another way to submit for a review? Perhaps a second email address?
Aestas says
Are you using the correct email? It’s working for everyone else…
Melissa Foster says
Yes, I’m not sure why it’s not going through. I’ll continue to try, I suppose.
Melissa Foster says
Total “duh” moment! I just realized that I had “o” instead of zero in the address. Sorry! I sent it off today, so hopefully you will receive it without issue. Thanks so much! xox
Rose Nylund says
This is one of the best review blogs! I appreciate your hard work and honesty, above all!
Aestas says
Thank you so much!! 🙂
Leigh says
I just read Like Gravity by Julie Johnson, I really enjoyed it. Would recommend for you..
Bryce says
I was wondering if you ever read paranormal books?
Tiffany says
I was wondering if you’ve read Out Of Breath, the third installment to the Breathing Series. I just finished all three books and was searching for your review of the third book but I didn’t see it. If you have a review available I would love to read it.
Aestas says
I actually haven’t read it yet. No reason why particularly… I just haven’t yet had the time to read it. I’ll get to it one day 🙂
Amber says
Have you read the Remember When series by T. Torrest? I think you would like it because of the second chance theme in the books!! I would love to read your review!
Terri says
Hi! Is there a protocol for recommending books for review if your are not an author? Ive noticed that nearly every book I read and review myself, that you have also read and reviewed and loved them too! I recently found a new series, The Jade Series, by Allie Everhart that I found to be so unbelievably amazing! It took me a long time to finally read because the blurb didn’t pull me in and now it’s like hands down my fave series. It’s has some thrilling moments I never expected. But mostly it’s a witty, sappy college romance. It’s set to e a four book series with the final book being released next week! I’ve read the first three back to back and I think you’d love them. I’m bit usually one for long series but these read like one long book. The do have cliffys but also end HFN, and the last book will be out soon! Anyhow, the author told me she’s consider more books or spinoffs if she ever gets the word out on these amazing characters, so it’d be awesome for your to review. Just thought I’d check bc I only see the form for authors and I can guarantee you’d enjoy these books!
Lisa Cook says
Have you read the Learning Series by R.D. Cole? Oh my Lovlies, both books are amazing not a typical read, a little longer then some but not too long the author invokes amazing emotions. You will rage, laugh, cry… Learning to Live, Learning to Heal and coming in 2014 learning to Forgive! Heck out these amazing books!
Melissa says
Love your site!
Shari Ryan says
I enjoy reading all of your reviews, and I absolutely love your blog. I can’t imagine for the life of me how you have time to read so much, but as an author and a reader, I respect the amount of work you put into every one of your posts. <3
Hilary says
I really enjoy your reviews and blog. I would like to recommend two series by JD Nixon – Heller and Little Town . Both series are fantastic and the storytelling is magic. Very visual writing. Strong alpha males, strong female characters, hot without being vulgar. Funny, sweet and heartbreaking. Would love to get your take on either series. I was very lucky in that when I discovered this author, she had already written several books in each series which thrilled me. Nothing worse than waiting for your favourite writer to publish the next book. Thank you for reading my comment. Best regards,
Viviana Varona says
Thank you for the Archer giveaway opportunity.
Michelle Kimens says
Hi Aesta,
Just wanted to let you know how much I love and rely on your blog!! There’s a whole bunch of us up here in Toronto Canada who check it everyday to see what you’re reading.
Also, wanted to let you know that I read Reasonable Doubt by Whitney Gracia Williams (you have it as a future to be read) I loved her writing style so much that I researched more of her books and stumbled across a true gem!! It’s called Mid Life Love and honestly.. it is now up there with the Holy Grail FSoG!! Jonathan Statham is my new Christian..sigh.. Hope you get the opportunity to read it .. a definite afternoon delight!
Aestas Cross says
Thank you so much, Michelle!!! I’m so glad you’re loving the blog!!
I actually have read RD already. I might write a review when they’re all out 😉
Say hi to everyone up in your Toronto book group for me!
Fabiola says
I’m not a US author (just a French one and I don’t think you read in French lol) and I’m also a reviewer for my French-speaking website. So I just wanted to tell you that I love how you choose books. I do exactly the same because as you say, there are a lot of books and not enough time to read them all so we must make a choice 🙂
Aestas Cross says
Thank you so much!! I really find this helps me select books I’m most likely to love which, in the end, is best for everyone involved 🙂
Erica Batie says
Hi I heard so many good things about you and need your help I borrowed a book on amamzon n I know it has a squel coming out but I can’t for the life of me remember the name of it it’s about a boy who sees dead people n grows up to be a police man who’s in love with this girl down the street but he can’t be with her cause he still sees dead people but it turns out their reincarnated soul mates whos been cursed to die each time they find each other n his brothers as well do u by any chance know the name of this book
Pamela Aares says
Hi Aestas– I submitted Fielder’s Choice, Book #3 in the Heart of the Game series for review. Let me know if you want the cover or anything else. It was hard to choose which book to submit as I think you’ll like them all! Thanks for hosting such a fab book blog. It’s one of my favorites!
Pamela Aares
Love Bats Last
Thrown By Love
Fielder’s Choice
Love on the Line
Jordan says
Saw others posting about recommendations for you. I stumbled upon a gem and thought I’d recommend it to you or for whoever’s following your blog. Love Aced by Jamie Matlock was on Amazon’s recommendations after I made a different purchase. Didn’t know what I was getting into but enjoyed the authors writing style and the sex scenes were great. Great romance.
Melyssa Ankrum says
Love your recommendations!
Khadija Mohamed says
I just read the final book in the lovely vicious series, by Sara Wolf, and I would highly recommend the series because they are highly entertaining, in a mysterious and weirdly funny way. I think that she is an underrated author and hopefully you will feel the same if you read her series.
Valerie says
LOVE your site….I was stumped on what to read next and now I have DOZENS of options. My suggestion, (if you’ve already done it, I’m sorry! I’m not through ‘playing’ on here!) sometimes I’m in the mood for a comedy, sometimes romance, sometimes paranormal, sometimes tear-jerks, and it’s hard to determine what books are what without reading most of the review…..so, it’d be great to have categories for books. I understand that would be tough to do at this point, you have HUNDREDS of books on here! Keep up the good reading!
Aestas says
Thanks!! And, it’s actually a feature I’m working on developing now 😀
Deb McBride says
I enjoy reading your reviews. I have two books that I just recently read. Emental Fear and Surviving Love by Ada Frost. I highly recommend these books and hope that maybe you may read and review them. I was amazed by the story and the characters. I noticed on GoodReads that she is a new author and these are her only books. I hope you can them a read. Thanks for all you do!!
Tonya Nichols says
I love love love your blog! I always read the books you recommend to us and I love that you share the recommendations we give you as readers with other fans! Keep doing what you do and thank you for the $100.00 giveaway! You are amazing! ~ T
Janet Marie Cooper says
You should try “Ride The Fire” by Pamela Clare – My favorite book for over a year…
marcum153 says
Hi Aestas! Loving the new layout! The new categorizes section is amazing!
I was wondering if you have heard anything or had any thoughts on these two books I came across on amazon?
1. Radio Silence by Alyssa Cole
2. Fire Down Below by Debra Anastasia
I always love your thoughts on books!! Thanks in advance!
Debbie says
I enjoy reading your blog and read my last two books based solely on your recommendation. I loved them both. Have you considered reviewing A.L. Jackson’s latest book When we Collide?
Hilary says
It would be great if there was a way to search your site for a book title or author. If there is a search feature i can’t find it. I love your reviews but would like to fins specific ones. Thanks for considering.
Melinda says
I would like to purchase both the books from Tina rebel love unscripted and love undefined but when I go to amazon they are $9.00 not $1.99 like your website suggests. Can you let me know how to purchase for $1.99. By the way I love your blog. Melinda
Aestas says
The price you get depends on where you’re located in the world. Because it’s a traditionally published book, that particular sale is US only. It would go on sale in different countries (i.e. UK) at different times. Hope that helps!
Jen says
I have recently started following your blog, and I absolutely love it. I am addicted to reading and commend you for creating this blog to showcase how much you love reading, and helping others to find great books. I recently finished Slow Burn, and loved it. I was wondering if you have read it yet, and what your thoughts are.
Christen says
I just finished a book I think you would like, Kulti by Mariana Zapata.
It was one of the best books I have read in awhile, I highly recommend it and would love to read your review of it.
Bonnie says
First I would like to thank you for your reviews. When considering a new book I always check your review first. But I was wondering if you would consider starting and over 40 or baby boomers category. There are a lot of us who read romance who to be honest just don’t want to read about teenagers anymore. As a matter of fact there have been a number of articles that have suggested that mature romance may be a new and growing genre. For example a lot of Kristen Ashley’s books have characters who are over forty.
Aestas says
Hi 🙂
I’ll consider making a specific category for them, but for now, if you go to my reviews and generally check the bottom. If I say “Adult” romance, then that means the characters are more mature. If its Young Adult or New Adult, I’ll always indicate it so that you guys know too! I’ll add making a category for it to my to-do list though!
Bonnie says
Thank you 🙂
Shana James says
Hey Bonnie! I JUST posted a comment here about writing a few books for, a tad older than 40+ lol, 55 and over group because I don’t see much out there for them. It nearly sickens me to think that 40+ is now “old”. 🙁
vickie peterson says
i am interested in ordering the shirt that says i say fuck alot is it available
Aestas says
I don’t sell that, sorry. I’m sure you can Google it though 🙂
heike says
love this block, and thanks for the chance to win!
Sylvia says
Love your blog!! I was wondering if you know when part two of Nine Minutes by Beth Flynn is coming out? Isn’t supposed to have a sequel?
C.E. Hansen says
Dear Aestas,
I love your positivity. Your review process is admirable and I totally agree that posting negative reviews doesn’t help anyone. That said, I’m sure hoping you love my books an will review them. BTW, your blog is wonderful and I follow it religiously. I generally love the books you recommend! Keep on reading and reviewing. We authors need people like you out there!!!
Andrea Hall says
Hi Aesta!!!
I just finished reading My Time in the Affair by Stylo Fantone and it was really good! Check it out if you ever get a chance.
Christina says
can you make a suspense romance category?
Love you reveries and comments really helps me select the perfect book I am in the mood for!!
Charlene Martin says
Just wanted to say Hi, and to tell you I love your blog layout. It’s so pretty and functional. 🙂 Happy reading!
heike says
Thanks for this awesome blog!
malalay qazizada says
Hi I love love this blog. I have read the fixed on you bt lauren paige.
Mandy says
Hi I love you blog! I was wondering if you have read any of Gail McHugh’s books.
Aestas says
Hi, Mandy! I’m so glad you love the blog! And to answer your question: No, I haven’t reviewed any of her books.
lisa r says
Hi there, read a book I think you recommended. driving me crazy. could you help. childhood friends, family forms a rock band. falling out with hero, they end up together, pregnant. Hero is killed by elderly couple, baby dies, too. H ends up in Australia mourning. Comes back to previous love (bar owner) If anything rings a bell would you email me back. Tried Amazon discussion, but nothing. thank you
Aestas says
Here you go 🙂 http://aestasbookblog.com/carnage-review/
Laurie Sue Brockway says
Hiya. This is Laurie Sue Brockway. I am working on an article for WOMAN’s DAY on romance books and I have a quick question I would like to email. I am on deadline. Do you per chance have a moment ? It’s Feb 2, 12:04 PM
Stephana says
Hi Aestas, I just read an ARC by a brand new author called Incapable by Marie Skye. I was told her book comes out the 19th of Feb. She’s on goodreads but it’s not available for preorder yet. She’s worth checking out. I can’t wait to see how book 2 plays out.
Ashley Baker says
If you get a chance, you should definitely check out “In This Life” by Christine Brae. It is without a doubt my favorite love story of 2016. I honestly don’t know if it can be beat. Please check it out!!
KL Shandwick says
I love the new layout. The maping is much easier to negotiate the genres of books, and love the categories black bar at the top.
Aestas says
Thank you!! I can’t wait to show you guys the new special feature coming later this month too 🙂
Bonnie says
Good morning,
I love and have relied on your blog for some time now. But I’m unsure where to put this comment. I am on an iPad and have noticed if I click on reviews,in the top bar,and click on different star reviews it brings me to the comment section as opposed to the books. I used to be able see the books. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks again
Aestas says
Bonnie, thank you so much for letting me know! In the re-design of the site, I forgot to reactivate that feature. I just turned it back on so if you go back and refresh the page, those tabs should be working as usual again!
Happy browsing 🙂
Fallon says
I was wondering if you could recommend any interracial romances?
Aestas says
Sorry, I don’t categorize books based on the race of the couple. To me, it’s just a romance. Period. Regardless of the race of the couple in the story 🙂
gay rosalyn guinto says
Thanks for the one with you giveaway opportunity
Raven J. Spencer says
I have one question. Would you consider reviewing an F/F erotic romance? I’d like to know for sure before I send you an email. Thanks! -Raven
Aestas says
No, I don’t read F/F. There’s zero judgment at all, it’s just not my personal thing so I find it harder to relate to. Sorry!
Raven J. Spencer says
No problem. It’s always better to know right away.
Matthew says
Do you review dark contemporary by chance, FYI there is a HEA, just curious, there was one released Thursday evening that may interest you, but i wont reveal the title unless you want me to, yes I’m a guy, yeah i read romance novels, the character progression is better than in most fiction novels.
Let me know
Aestas says
I do review some darker books but the details (cheating/triangle/HEA/blurb/storyline/triggers) would be major factors in my decision. If you’d like to email in a review request with the answers above, I will certainly consider it 🙂
Matthew says
Thank you it will be done
Charlene Rollins says
Hey there,
I was wondering if there might be a section dealing with Paranormal Romance or the likes… I tend to gravitate towards the darker side of romance such as shape shifters, vampires, were creatures, immortals, etc. I also love a few authors who make a great play on historical fiction romance. You and I agree for the most part on all of the books that you have listed so far. I take a look at your lists and add those that I have not read yet to my long list and eventually get to them. I tend to find an author that I like and read all their books in their series back to back. Of course it may be a few years before I get back around to reading them again, so it gives them time to come out with a few new books for me to read. I used to keep a complete list of the books I have read – It used to have pictures of the cover art (sometimes I can’t remember the titles of the books but can often remember the names of the characters and more often the title art). Then so many of the publishing companies will keep releasing the books with different cover art – that messed up my whole system LOL… There are a few authors that i didn’t find on your blog that I think you will love. I’ll send you an email with those and a little blurb about them so you can get an idea of what the book/series is about, etc.
I know you put a lot of effort into the site, its a big help to many people, thank you for that. I would LOVE to see a category as I mentioned before. Its a little more generalized than the way you have categorized many. I have just found that if I am looking for something new from an author i have not read before, I may or may not have any idea of the {category} that it might fit into from the blog’s perspective. That’s not a criticism, just a notation. Perhaps I am not understanding the overall scheme of the way you sort them. Don’t laugh, I’m very detail oriented but sometimes I just don’t see the obvious LOL. At any rate, thanks for your time, ,effort and willingness to put the information out there.
When you are in a reading mood – how long does it typically take you to get through a n average 300 pg book? I think that I probably read too fast on some and others I find that I have to go back and re-read certain chapters because I feel like i may have missed something. I suppose it really depends on the writer’s style for me. I am one of those readers who really enjoys a writer who has the ability to help me visualize the environment, the characters and can help me place myself there in the middle of the story. those are my favorites.
Thanks again,
Talk to you soon,
Charlene Rollins
danaikah says
hey i love your book blog! i’m new to this.
do you have any advice for beginners? 🙂
Linda Budzinski says
I just want to say this is the most author-friendly review request page I have ever seen. You are obviously a real sweetheart. I look forward to sending in a request as my pub date nears this fall. Happy reading!
Wanda Ivette Arroyo-Rodriguez says
Hi! I love the layout of your blog. I’m not an author but I read the Author’s note anyway. I love lists, it keep things organized, clear and you know what to expect. I appreciate your honesty and philosophy.
I’m also a mood reader and new at reading Romance. Sometimes I feel there is so much pressure about reviews that it take away a little the joy of reading.
sakshi singh says
Hi! I love your blog and your book reviews. I always look at your reviews before picking up a book. You made me fall in love with Kristen Ashley and I am so thankful for that. I would like to post reviews for some of the books I liked. Is there a way I do that?
Diane Fleming says
You should read and review “The One” by Jewel E. Ann. You will love this book and laugh out loud. No cheating and HEA.
Meredith Bach says
I don’t know if you take recommendations from your blog followers, but if you do, have you read The Hating Game, Sally Thorne. Oh my word! I have had a smile on my face and laughed out loud (like Bah-Hah-Hah) and the whole time I was reading, I kept thinking, wonder why it’s not been reviewed by Aestas?? You would love it and I mean love it! Romance, hilarity, massive build up to the hallelujah moment! One of those books you are so sad it’s over, and wonder if you’ll ever find something as sweet and sassy and unputdownable again! You’d love it!
Erica Lynn says
Good afternoon!
I tried to send my info for a book review request, but it keeps telling me it’s un-deliverable and that the email address provided isn’t working.
I tried a few times in case it was my mistake, but it’s still not working.
I just wanted to let you know! =)
Aestas says
The email is working. I get about a hundred per day. Be sure you copy-paste it exactly from where I posted it 🙂
Densie Webb says
I’ve tried to send a request for a book review a couple of times, but it keeps bouncing back with a “permanent error.” Send from gmail to gmail. Is it possible to put in all the information in here as a comment?
Aestas says
The information listed above is correct. I receive hundreds of emails a day without issue. Try copy-pasting the email address listed in the post above. You may be typing it incorrectly by accident.
Shasta says
Do you do advanced reviews via NetGalley, or only reviews after books have been published?
Aestas says
I prefer reading books after release so that I can read them with my readers, but I do have a NetGalley account and occasionally choose to get a book from them. But it’s very, very rare.
Shirley says
I was checking out the Standalones/ Escorts from your data base. It asked for feedback. There were only a few titles listed. I suggested, At Your Beck & Call. By Jane Harvey Berrick. Unfortunately, the submit button didn’t work.
Jillian says
What’s the book that the main characters go by their initials. One is ACE and their best friends.
Tina says
There is an author that I have loved with her Romances but she just published one that was different for her and it was one of those read in one sitting book. The author is Liz Talley and the book is ” Come Home to Me”. She is a very small author compared to what you typically review but I would love to see her get a review on your site. I read every one of your Top Recommendations and I have never been disappointed so when I finished this book all I could think is that it belonged on the list.
Aestas says
Thank you for the recommendation!!!!
Sally says
Hi Aestas,
I submitted a query for a book review to aestaso@gmail.com with all the requested information. It was bounced back with a ‘permanent error’. Is there another email?
Aestas says
You sent it to the wrong address. It’s a zero, not an ‘o’. If you copy paste the address it works 🙂
Sian says
I was just wondering, when we submit a request, are we meant to attach the book to the email for you to read as well or just send through the information you’ve requested and send the book through later?
Aestas says
No book ever needed.
Sian says
I’m not planning to release my book till the 1st of August so am I best off waiting to submit my review request till after then in that case?
nikki says
I love Lucy Score books! Have you read and reviewed any of hers! Love her Blue Moon series!
Ana Gibson says
Very detailed. Helps a lot.
Jackie Bowen says
I would like to recommend a series to you. The Carrero Series by LT Marshall, here’s the link getBook.at/Carrero Series
Adriana says
Hi! Can you help me remember the title of the book in where the hero is a pilot and saves lives for a job and it is a enemies to lovers story!?? Huhu help
Ashley says
I think the series In The Shadows by P.T. Michelle is amazing! It’s so far 10 books long. I started them at the end of March this year and just finished book 10 today. I have four kids, two that I had to homeschool in this pandemic and it was totally worth staying up late and reading! I hope you get the time to check it out! It’s soooo good! I would say it’s a suspense romance series, loved every single book!
Nancy Thompson says
Truly enjoy your blog. It is very helpful when trying to find my next read. I especially appreciate that you state when a book is a standalone, because I have vowed to not read another cliffhanger. Thank you!!
Aestas says
You’re so welcome! Haha I always say I’m allergic to cliffhangers 😉
Carlee Dittemore says
You have become my GO TO for all things books! If you haven’t read the universe from Kathleen Brooks you totally need to! I often find them too short but the humor and suspense is perfect blend 🥰
Sheila says
My day is not complete without browsing your page.
Your blog is the best, thank you for completing my day.
All the Best!!
Maria Imbalzano says
Hi Aestas: I just tried to send you an email and it bounced. I sent it to aestaso@gmail.com. Are you having a problem with your gmail account today?
Maria Imbalzano says
Hi Aestas: I just noticed your email has a zero in it not the letter o. They look the same. I resent.
JL Laurels says
Thank you so much for the clarity and transparency of your review selection. It’s so refreshing.
Niki Koop says
I miss your blog and website content!!! I hope you are okay!
Aestas says
I hope this helps explain: https://aestasbookblog.com/letter-from-aestas/
Jang says
HELLO! I am an avid reader and I want to know that you’re one of only two blogs that I follow because I just love how amazing you have build this site for book lovers like me. I have always visited your site for months and months and I was worried why you were no longer posting anything. I thought you were sick (with covid and all 🙁 and I prayed that you are okay). But I am glad to read your latest post (and that you are ok!) and I totally understand your situation. I too, in the last two years, been a little low on my reading output and haven’t been reading much. Maybe it’s the pandemic, lack of good materials out there but I know that I will always be on a look out for some new releases, new potentials.
Anyway, I wish you the best in everything and THANK YOU for this wonderful avenue that you have built for many of your followers like me.
May the best in everything be the gift you receive in this life, Aestas!
Aestas says
Thank you for your kind words and understanding. I’m honored to have been followed!