“I’m not much, but I’m all yours…. I know I’ll fuck up, but I promise you will never feel unloved or unwanted every again.”
- Buy INFRACTION (Kindle) – full reading order below
SQUEEE!!! (This is a spoiler-free review)
This book left me with the hugest smile on my face! After as long and hard a journey as these two characters had been through, that ending was just a perfect way to finish this book. It really leaves you in a wonderful place. No cliffhanger!!
The story in Infraction picks up right where Breach left off (here’s my review of Breach) and after the devastating cliffhanger that it had ended on, I was left absolutely desperate for answers! And boy, did I ever get them!
I don’t want to say too much about the plot here because this isn’t a standalone and should only be read after Breach but suffice it to say that all the questions that were built up in the first book were answered, the issues were addressed and worked through (in a healthy, healing way), and the emotional depth of the romance was deepened.
The vibe was very different than the first book though even though it continued the story perfectly. While Breach was very rocky and tumultuous, Infraction was very healing and developmental and really counter-balanced the first one well.
The pacing was wonderful and constantly moved the story forward, the writing was fluid and kept me fully connected to the story and the plot was gripping. I read it in one sitting and just didn’t want to put it down.
I found this book to be considerably more emotional than the first. While I didn’t actually cry, I still felt very deeply connected to both Nathan and Lila because in this one the walls are down and the masks are off. Everything is in the open and we got to see the real Nathan and the real Lila. We saw their pain, their heart ache, their guilt, sadness, love, loss, need, desires… everything was on display and finally brought into the light. There was no more hiding.
The mask was gone, and for the first time I was seeing the true Nathan without any inhibitions. He was raw and lay bare before me.
“I love you, Lila,” he declared. “I’m so scared about what that means for you.”
The focus of this book was on rebuilding trust, finding a way to deal with the demons that haunted them and healthily working to build a functional relationship. Both Nathan and Lila had their separate issues to worth through and years of respective traumas to overcome but they both desperately wanted to find a way through it.
“For the first time in four years, I want to get better, I have a reason to get better. I want you to get better, too. I want to be with you.”
It was a struggle for both of them though. Sometimes it was two steps forward, sometimes it was one step forward, two steps back. Their struggles were raw and often painful but their love for each other was at the heart of everything and kept them throughout it all.
“I’m yours. All that I am, if you want it. I’m not much, but I know I can be so much more with you.”
The story wasn’t all heart breaking though! There were some scenes that seriously made me laugh right out loud! I really liked that there was that balance allowing you to kind of regroup your emotions and just have a happy break in the midst of it all.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Say thank you. That’s what I was told to say after my lobotomy.”
I also fell much deeper in love with Nathan in this book. I think it was because finally his back story came out and actually knowing the things that haunted him, knowing his loss, his pain and guilt and fears, allowed me to genuinely connect with him through a real understanding of what he’d been through.
The way he cared for Lila just melted me. I could feel his love for her in every one of his actions. He really stole my heart in this one! Completely.
This book had several ‘reveals’ in it and especially a few big ones that sent chills down my spine as it all came together!! Such an awesome feeling!
What I loved most about this book though was that there was literally no stupidity in the whole book! There were certainly set backs and times when one or both of them made mistakes and totally fucked up but it was always over something understandable and it was always worked through. I loved that very realistic feeling that it gave the story of being able to make mistakes but also grow and heal and learn from them.
“I’m not much, but I’m all yours…. I know I’ll fuck up, but I promise you will never feel unloved or unwanted every again.”
“You can’t promise that.” …
“Maybe not, but I will work damn hard to make it the truth.”
Oh, and about the dirty talking… this was my one “semi-issue” from the first book. I do love me a dirty talker and let me tell you… Nathan is the dirtiest of all the dirty talkers I’ve ever read buuuuut he was just a wee bit dirtier than was my personal preference (like the use of the words whore and slut). The truth is that it didn’t float my boat but it sure as hell floated Lila’s so since it was something they both loved, I basically just tried to not think about it and be happy that they were happy especially since that was only the way he talked during sex and it never carried through to any other part of their relationship. It was crystal clear that he had great respect for her both as her own person and as his lover so clearly this was just something they both got off on, nothing more. Not to mention that, those two words aside, the sex scenes were scorching!!
“Your moans are mine, your orgasms are mine, your body is mine.” he said through clenched teeth. “You are fucking MINE!”
*fans self*
As the story went on, I got that feeling of dread. You know, that one where everything is finally going so well that you just know that the shit is bound to hit the fan in some huge unexpected way? Well, it did… and totally took me by surprise! Definitely a heart-in-my-throat moment. But again, I loved where it took the story and I loved that the issue was external to the relationship.
I’ve said this before in other reviews but I really can’t stress enough how much I love it when the sources of drama in a romance come from outside the relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand and love conflict between the couple but I don’t like fearing for the survival of a relationship, y’know? And I loved that I always had the feeling in this one that they were going to make it no matter how long or hard their road was.
“I want to pull you inside me so your safe,” he said as he climbed back onto the bed and wrapped his body around mine.
The ending was absolutely AMAZING!! Totally squee-worthy! I guarantee that you will end this book with a HUGE smile on your face. Nathan and Lila’s story isn’t finished but we are left in such a wonderful place. Again, there is really no cliffhanger. It honestly even felt almost like a HEA.
Infraction continued an intensely passionate romance that was both heart breaking and healing about two truly damaged people finding healing through their love for each other. I loved it!
4.5+ stars
Book #1 BREACH — Kindle | Paperback | My Review
Novella #1.5 DISSOLUTION — Kindle | My Review
Book #2 INFRACTION — Kindle | Paperback | My review
Book #3 RECIPROCITY — Kindle