Kicking off the 22-22-22 Author-a-thon is the amazing Tara Sivec!!
Many of you know her as the person responsible for making you laugh yourself silly in her debut novel Seduction and Snacks.
No book has EVER made me laugh as hard as Seduction & Snacks. I giggled, squeed, snorted, and cried with laughter to the point where I’d have to stop reading in order to catch my breath!!
Here you will find all the info on Tara, her books, a teaser from her new romantic suspense novel, as well as an Q&A from the readers and…
an international GIVEAWAY!!
Be sure to check the bottom of the page and

Tara Sivec is a best selling author, wife, mom, chauffeur, cheerleading coach, soccer coach, babysitter, short-order cook, genius and albino squirrel hunter. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids. In her spare time she likes to read, write and cover things in chocolate. Most of her material comes from real life experiences with family and friends. Lucky for them, the names have been changed to protect the innocent (aka, drunk).
Tara also writes under the pen name T.E. Sivec. Check out the T.E. Sivec page for more information.

Brand New Release!!!
Drew and Jenny have spent years being the envy of their friends with their out of control sex lives – well, not really. Mostly it makes their friends want to throw up in their mouths a little.
With two little kids and two busy lives, for the first time, Drew and Jenny aren’t on the same page in the bedroom. Drew will stop at nothing to get his previously amorous wife back in the sack, and Jenny will do anything for a full night of sleep.
Carter and Claire, and Jim and Liz are their usual (un)helpful selves and are full of advice for the discontented duo, wanting nothing more than to help restore order to the usually happy couple’s lives.
In the third and final installment of the Chocolate Lovers Series, will Drew and Jenny find the spark that’s been missing in their marriage, or will the trouble they’re having cause a stickier situation than the time Jenny poured honey all over Drew and he fused himself to a tree?
These are a few questions that our readers wanted to ask Tara.
A Beautiful Lie is Tara’s new romantic suspense novel that will be released Jan 3, 2013.

He saw her first, but his friend made the move.
She settled for the safer choice, but her heart knew the truth.
They love, they crave, they lie.
Garrett McCarthy, Annabelle Parker, and Milo Roberts were as close as friends could get. They shared in each other’s joy during graduations, promotions, and engagements. They consoled one another through heartache and loss.
When one of the friend’s life is tragically cut short, it’s up to the two left behind to pick up the pieces and find out the truth – no matter the cost. As they slowly start to uncover the nature of his deception, and the very powerful people behind it, they begin to question everyone and everything, even themselves.
Everyone has secrets – some do it for love while others do it for power. Those secrets can change perceptions, alter reality and sometimes destroy lives.
What do you do when you find out your whole life has been a lie?
Garrett tossed and turned all night long thinking about Parker. The look on her face before she walked away from him haunted his dreams until he finally got up out of bed and went to Base two hours before his scheduled briefing.
He picked up the phone at least thirty times during those two hours to call Parker and apologize only to hang right back up. He had no idea what the hell he would say to her right now, but he knew he needed to do something before he left. Garrett could never go on this mission with Parker mad at him. He hated himself for keeping her in the dark with his suspicions, but he honestly believed he was doing it for her own good.
Garrett glanced at his watch and realized he only had a few minutes until his meeting with his commanding officer, his team, and whatever Navy photographer they were able to find last minute. He just hoped this woman had experience, and he wouldn’t need to babysit her the entire time. Garrett had more important things to do than to keep an eye on a green Petty Officer and keep her head from getting blown off. She damn well better be able to keep herself out of trouble.
On his way down the hall to the conference room, Garrett called Parker’s cell phone but it went directly to voicemail. He felt like a chicken shit for leaving a message on her cell instead of talking to her in person, but maybe it would be easier this way.
“Parker, I’m sorry about what happened last night. I’m sorry I kept my suspicions from you. I should have been honest with you from the beginning. You and I both know how much of a dick I am, so do I really need to apologize for all the other things I said? You know I didn’t mean them to come out the way they did. Take care of yourself, and I’ll call you when I land.”
Garrett hung up the phone, pleased with the message he left, and walked into the conference room where his CO, Captain Matt Risner, was already waiting for him.
“Lieutenant McCarthy, have a seat. We’re just waiting on the rest of your team to get here.”
Garrett took a seat directly across from Captain Risner and a few minutes later they were joined by three men, all of whom Garrett had worked with in the past—all good men and all friends of his and Milo’s. Garrett trusted these men, and he was glad to be working with them again, even if it was under these circumstances.
“First Class Petty Officers Conrad and Vargas and Chief Marshall, you’re all acquainted with Lieutenant McCarthy so no introductions are necessary, is that correct?” the blond, middle-aged man asked as the newcomers all took a seat around the table. His hazel eyes, accented by the fine lines of aging at the corners, took each of them in.
The four men nodded and replied with a respectful, “Yes, sir.”
“In front of all of you is the dossier for this assignment. McCarthy will be the Officer in Charge as soon as you land on Dominican soil. He and his partner will be posing as a reporter slash photographer in order to gain access into the President’s home. The rest of you will be there under the guise of a camera crew for Fox News,” Risner explained as he pulled his six foot, five inch frame out of his seat and walked over to the computer Smart Board hanging on the south east wall of the room. “Your passports and press clearances will be waiting for you on the plane along with your background information. I want weekly status reports on my desk every Friday. McCarthy will have all of the information in his packet to access a secure internet and telephone line that cannot be traced.
Risner pulled a remote out of the pocket of his freshly creased Service Khaki pants, aimed it at the Smart Board and within seconds they were all looking at a map of the Dominican.
“A lot of things went wrong when Roberts was there. He was sent to the Dominican for a simple reconnaissance mission to gather Intel on the President at the request of the Commander in Chief. All of the information he gathered has disappeared, and no one in the Dominican will cooperate with us. Roberts was a last minute replacement a few weeks into the mission when one of the men over there was injured and sent back home. He should have met with the team already in place in the Dominican as soon as he touched down. He never made contact with them, and we need to find out why. We need to clean up this mess and get answers before this gets out to too many people. We don’t need any more negative press on the military right now.”
Garrett took the pause in Captain Risner’s speech to ask the question that had been on his mind since the phone call last night.
“Sir, if I may interrupt. Who will the female be working with us in Miller’s place?”
Garrett heard the door open and close behind him but kept his attention on his CO, awaiting his response.
“Actually, McCarthy, she just walked in. I believe you are all acquainted with Annabelle Parker, are you not?”
This giveaway is for a *SIGNED* paperback copy of Troubles and Treats.
It is open internationally.
Good luck everyone!!
11:00 AM EST
(author of Leave Me Breathless)
Tina M says
All Done..Thanks for the chance to win…
Claudia T says
Great interview and that would be so exciting if she writes a book on Gavin 🙂
Kira Granger says
Leslie T – Were any of the scenes from the books inspired by real life events & if so which one(s)?
Tara ~ Too many to count! Off of the top of my head – vibrator wrestling with Gavin, nut punching, pot cookies, ceiling fan baseball, bus sex.
Hahahaha thank you, Leslie, for a great question and thank you Tara, for an AWESOME answer.
Paula Novack says
I love this!! I cannot wait to read Tar’s new book.
Christina G says
Definitely wish-listed this one! Sounds great!!
Nuzaifa says
albino squirrel hunter huh?So have you ever caught one? 😛
I loved Seduction & Snacks and Futures & Frosting-I was totally LOL-ing throughout the entire book – everybody was slightly freaked out when I kept laughing my head off like a maniac at really odd moments when suddenly something from your book pops into my mind! 😀
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wendy says
If I happen to win this, would I be able to request from Tara that she put the word ‘vagina’ somewhere on the book in her handwriting?!?!?
GAWD……..I’ve got a serious girl-crush on her.
Kim Box Person says
Awesome giveaway! I LOVE Tara!!!!! FUNNIEST DAMN BOOKS I’VE EVER READ 🙂 Okay I’ll stop shouting now LOL!
Andrea K says
Fantastic giveaway. I can’t wait to read this one!
Ellen says
I love Tara, great laughs great stories!
Sheri Zee says
Oh dear lord, I LOVE Tara & you too, Aestas for this fabulous giveaway!
Vika Shapovalova says
Wheee! So excited for this book
Becky K. says
Cannot wait to read this! If I win, I totally expect done inappropriateness to be written in my book 🙂
Vickie J says
This was awesome! Thanks for picking my question! And thanks to Tara for the response! I like to think I am awesome sometimes. However, I have not written a book, I still like to think I can do something to inspire others. 🙂
Becca M says
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I love Tara and can’t wait for my own personal copy of Troubles and Treats! I am so excited!!!
Amanda Harrison says
SON OF A MOTHERLESS GOAT…….am i too late to enter??? shitgoddamnfuckpiss i just finished the series and only found this now 🙁 good luck to the rest of yas i guess.
Aestas says
Amanda – I’m so sorry you missed it! But your comment made me laugh so hard! Next time!!
And there’ll be other giveaways every day this month!
Thank you everyone for entering!!! 😀