Note: these are ONLY pre-orders. Books without pre-orders will be posted in the new release section of the blog as they are released. The release dates are also subject to change. I post them as they are when I find them. If you notice a change, just comment and let me know!
You are NOT charged for pre-orders until the book is released.
*** This page is no longer being updated. See this post for the reason why. ***
AJ says
OMG, what an awesome idea!!
Michelle Bushnell says
That is really helpful. Thanks!!
Michelle Bushnell says
This is really helpful. Thanks!
Gena says
Thank you for the upcoming release list. Now I can throw away all the scape of paper I have lying by my bed.
Kim Karr says
You left out Reckless to be released in March in Upcoming Releases
Jenn says
FYI – don’t forget Rebecca Donovan’s Out Of Breath, releasing June 2013.
Aestas says
Oh I forgot about those because I haven’t read them yet. They are now added to the list. Thanks!
Elizabeth says
This is super helpful. Great idea – love your blog. Wishing you the best in 2013.
Nycee says
GOODNESS! Thank you! This was so helpful! U are awesome!
Kim Karr says
This is really useful. Thank you. I think I’ll print it out and put it by my desk. Now if only we could just pre-order them all!
Linda Woodruff says
I’ve been devouring the Rock Chick series and found your blog when figuring out the next in the series. I’ve just started Stella and Mace. The only thing a little bit negative about the books is that I want to be a Rock Chick and be a Hot Bunch guy’s woman! I’m thrilled to see that a Book 8 is expected soon.
I started out with the Colorado series and loved them. It’s great to see that KA has many more for me to read. Your site is a super source of information.
BTW, have you read Gabriel’s Inferno and Gabriel’s Redemption?
Kim says
OMG….I am dying to know how Grounded is. I am patiently (NOTTTT) waiting for its release and am so jealous you are already reading about James and Bianca! I went back and started reading the first ones again (Did I mention I read them twice already???) Hurry with review but no spoilers!
Aestas says
LOL!! I’m writing it right now! but… its awesome, just so you know 😀
Belinda says
Just to let you know that Up to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost has for some reason been changed to end of 2013!
Belinda says
Meant “Up from the Grave” Sorry!
Ruby says
November: the edge of always ! And april : flat out Matt lol !
Dolores K. says
I’ve been saying someone should put one together since we all basically read the same books! Awesome! Thank you so much for your time and effort on this.
Michelle lawlor says
May 30th beauty from surrender
Alyssa Chen says
Katie McGarry – Dare You To May 28
btw kayden is spelled with a ‘k’ for redemption of callie&kayden 🙂
heather says
This info just made my friggn’ day.
Kathleen says
Thank you for this!
Annette says
Thank you so much! I didn’t see Consumed on there and I’m excited to see
Debbie Bottorff says
I absolutely love this. Is it possible to get it emailed to me. Thanks so much for doing this. Makes it so easy to keep up with.
Karen Morrison says
Pieces of You – May 17
Kimberly says
Thank you for the list. This helps a lot.
Gail Moore says
Can’t wait to read Eyes Wide Open (Blackstone #3).
I pray that Conviction will be on your 2013 list ,,,
Jen says
Oooo don’t forget LOTU Kane’s book by Gena Showalter! 🙂 Love the list!!!! TY
Kat says
How about Simple Perfection? That’s book #2 of Twisted Perfection — the spin off of the Too Far series. Awesome list! 🙂
Aestas says
As soon as we have a release date for it, I’ll add it to the list 🙂
Courtney says
Programing into my kindle calender now! Cannot wait for Redhead #3. <3 Jack
KELLY H. says
Any idea when Convicted is being released?
Icha says
Bring Me Home (Shattered hearts #3) Aug 6th 2013. 🙂
Krystal Marin says
FYI – Rock Chick Revolution – Kristen Ashley comes out August 13 !!! And I’m loving your site !!!
Miranda says
Hey, just thought I would let you know on November 15, 2013 Determinism by LK Collins will be released!
Love, love, love this list!
Cheryl says
I love your blog!!! Everything is so well organized and I am not searching just to find a review!!
Aestas says
Thank you!!!
Mary says
Please add Mr. Beautiful (Up in the Air #4) by R.K. Lilley on October 15, 2014 (per Goodreads).
Aestas says
This list is only for pre-order books 🙂
Tere says
Colleen Hoover’s Confess is listed for February 10th instead of March 10th. Is this a mistake or an early release?
Stephanie blake says
Soaring by Kristen Ashley on March 16:)
Marilyn says
Maybe in Another Life looks really good! Will you be reviewing it?
Aestas says
Possibly!! I really only review books I like/love so if it’s one I love, then YES! 🙂
Vicki H says
Awesome. I am surprised Winter by Marissa Meyer isn’t on here or is it strictly new adult genre? But it still is amazing you took the time to do this. I see books I want already and will probably PreOrder. A couple I already have! Thank you!!!!!!
Aestas says
You’re very welcome! Glad the list helps! And to answer your question, this isn’t just NA. There’s everything on here from YA to NA to Adult to Erotica, but the list is mostly contemporary with the exception of a few PNRs from series I’ve read and loved. I can think about including a few more in though:)
kai says
What about King by TM Frazier?I can’t wait for that book,I’ve been waiting for that book to come out for the last year and it’s finally coming in June.
Aestas says
These are only pre-orders. Books without pre-orders will be posted in the new release section of the blog as they are released.
rachelle marie says
THANK YOU for putting this awesome list together ❤❤❤❤
So much appreciated xx
Aestas says
You’re welcome!!!
Kristen says
This is awesome! Thanks so much for doing this! 🙂
Aestas says
Very welcome 😀
wendy says
Thanks for your hard work on compiling my pre order list. Just clicked 6 new books!
Aestas says
Woohoo!!! You’re welcome 😀
Ramona Johnson says
Well! I know what I want for my birthday, annivesary, Christmas and Valentines Day, lol! Thanks for a great list♡♡♡!
Tammy Smith says
Thanks so much for putting this list together! Considering I have 30 of these books preordered, it gets really confusing for me to keep them all straight. This is super helpful!
Rosanna Leo says
Thank you for including my Sept. 22 release Vice. I appreciate you sharing it.
Teresa Harris says
September 1, 2015 Deal Breakers by Laura Lee is being released as well! Its a love story filled with lots of Romance and loads of laughter. This is one book I recommend to everyone!
Sarah Robinson says
Thank you SO much for listing BREAKING A LEGEND! You rock!
Keara Cochran says
I have read Vivid by Jessica Wilde (releases Oct 11th) and it is so unbelievably awesome! I’m so glad it’s on your up coming release list! I hope many people find and read it!
Kim Gayheart says
Awesome releases
Silvy says
Wow! How do you do all of this. Do you have some magic abilities or what!?
I love your work it’s very helpful, thank you 🙂
Aestas says
haha I just don’t get much sleep 😉
Mercia says
I am so excited to see that SEMPER FI is just 3 days away. Sebastian & Caroline have always been the default couple on my Kindle. Sempre e per sempre.
Maryam says
I believe they changed the date for appealed by Emma chase to january 19th 🙂
Jamie says
Thanks for the list! I’ve never been let down by your reccommendations
Aestas says
Welcome!! I’m glad you’re enjoying them!
Lucia says
Great list, just updated my little black book
Aestas says
Ramona says
Thanks for the amazing list!!!
Aestas says
Welcome!!! 😀
Roopali says
Happy New Year to allll and Thank you for the list.
Blanka says
Unwanted Sacrifices (Russkaya Mafiya) by Sapphire Knight (March 3, 2016)
Savage: London Mob: Book One by Michelle St. James (February 9, 2016)
Distorted Hope by Marissa Honeycutt (January 13, 2016)
Tainted Love (A Totally ’80s Romance Book 2) by Addison Moore (February 29, 2016)
Backlash (Winter’s Wrath Book 1) by Bianca Sommerland (January 27, 2016)
Fully Ignited (Boston Fire) by Shannon Stacey (February 23, 2016)
Alice says
Didn’t see Bethany Flynn or Gail McHugh????
Danielle says
Rachel Caid’s Eyes Open releasees March 1st!
Destiny says
How do you choose your books for the new releases or upcoming books? Do people recommend them to you, or you just spot it by chance.
Aestas says
Many ways — I find them myself, I’m notified by authors/publishers, readers recommend them to me. However in order for me to post it, I have to like the sound of it. I don’t promote books at random. Hope that helps 🙂
Destiny says
yes it does ;). A description is not just yet written, but afterwards could I send it to you? It’s a fantasy romance and should release some time in march.
Aestas says
There is a review request form with all the details on the blog!
Freya Barker says
Great list! I’m just missing the release of “Cruel Water” on March 3d 🙂
January Apted says
Great list I’m looking forward to a lot of these but Cruel Water by Freya Barker is on the top of my list.
Lisa McGuire says
This spring/summer is the BEST EVER for book releases! <3
Tracey says
Hi! Fab list. I was wondering if you could add Blood Instinct by Lindsay J. Pryor? It releases on May 5th 2016 and it’s an awesome series!
Juls says
Awesome list!
Yanked by Serena Akeroyd releases on May 30th and looks like a fab read, different to her other books too.
Thanks 🙂
Helen says
Up in Flames by Abbi Glines is coming out on June 28th, not June 14th. Unless you know something we don’t…… 🙂
Aestas says
Just means they changed the date from original! I’ll swap it 🙂
Anthea Fishburn says
Hi Aesta, I love your site and we seem to like the same books. Where is your 6 stars page? I have been following it, and most of my favourites are on there.
Aestas says
Hi! Thank you 🙂 If you hover over “reviews” in the header bar, it will drop down to 6 star books. But it has to be from a computer. On mobile, things inevitably have to get simplified (even though that’s really annoying even for me).
Mary orr says
Reapers Fire was changed to August.
Aestas says
Ughhhhh! Lol! I hate when they change dates. Thanks for noticing 🙂
Yolandi Bosch says
Perfectly Toxic (book 9 in the Sterling Shore series) comes out 26 July.
a.m says
um I have a question.
do you know any good books ( if there are ) about people in depression or suicidal people?
please anwser!
Aestas says
This is a romance book blog so I don’t really have books about that genre, sorry!
Kelly says
How could you not have Nicholas Sparks new book on here, Two By Two which comes out on September 4th.. ?
Valerie says
Do you when belle aurora will be releasing more books for the shot callers series?
Aestas says
I haven’t heard anything 🙁
Veronica Thomas says
Thank you….I ordered a few 🙂
Aestas says
Very welcome 😀
Ana says
This is amazing, thank you!!
Carol says
Best Book site ever. I just love it.
Aestas says
Aww thank you!! 🙂
Bea @ Confessions of a Pinay Bookaholic says
This is an amazing list! Thank you for this <3 Is it ok if I share your list on my blog? I'll make sure to link it here. 🙂 Your blog is goals. I love it! <3
Aestas says
You’re welcome to link to this page from anywhere else 🙂
Happy reading!!
princess says
this is s wonderful site,all my favourite books are here accept for Ann Omasta’s books.can you pls pretty pls help me with her books?
Nikita says
I think you should add Turbulent Waters by Melody Anne. Its releasing on Feb 7th. 🙂
Crystal says
Oh goodness so excited for most of these😍😍
Livia says
I think I love you😍
Aestas says
Mandy says
Is Mr. Wrong only going to be available in paperback?
K.T. says
Wow! What a great list. I see some books that I MUST read.
Thanks for being so organize and help us get organized 🙂
Aestas says
You’re so welcome 🙂
L.A. Remenicky says
What is required to get a book listed on your upcoming releases page?
Aestas says
I just have to like the sound of it 🙂 If you have a book to suggest, you can email me the title/author and I’ll check it out.
L.A. Remenicky says
I just sent it for a review request 5 minutes ago. Where There’s Faith.
Aestas says
ok cool! 🙂
Debbie Rice says
So many great books so little time!!
Deborah Mullins says
Are there any new books coming out by Kristen Ashley anytime soon?
Janet says
Question: I was excited to see the pre-ord on Amazon for Before the Dawn : June 1 & Bright Midnight : Aug 1 – both by Karina Halle. HOWEVER, the year stated is 2045???
Anne says
Hi! I think you listed “218 First Hugs” by E. L. Todd on the wrong date? It was listed under January 9 but I checked it and it was supposed to be out on October 10.
Aestas says
It must have changed date. They do that sometimes unfortunately – thanks for letting me know!
Anne says
You’re welcome!! I love your list!! I based on this list on what to read next 🙂 Thank you so much!
jill d says
Hi there the Maya Banks – Wherever You Are – is on your list twice 12/2017 & 2/2018 any idea which one is correct???
Maree Hunter says
Sally Thorne’s 99 Percect Mine – 2nd Oct 🙂
Nicola Rose says
WOW! Thank you so much for posting all these!
Aestas says
Welcome 😀
April Renee says
Can you please double check on the Lora Leigh book on your list coming out 03/27-Cross Breed. Amazon shows that coming out in mid to late sept 2018 but you have it on your list for end of march. I just want to make sure because I have been dying to read this book 😀 Thank You for putting out the list because I have found some great books to pre order.
Aestas says
Sigh, no they changed the date. It was 3/27 at the time I added it to this list but they can change the date at anytime so I guess they did. It’s quite a time jump though O_O
Rhonda Clayton says
I love this blog. I can keep up with all new releases
Aestas says
Aw thank you so much!!
Jeanette says
I’m going crazy trying to find a book turned into a movie! It’s about a girl who stops at a gas station with her friend. While she’s inside there’s a robbery where the clerck dies I think and the hero rescues the heroine. I have read the book but can’t for the life of me remember the name. Do you know witch book I’m talking about?
Aestas says
Might be this 🙂
Jeanette says
Thank you sooo much😊
Lisa Young says
Hi. A while back there was a post on the Aesta Facebook page about an upcoming book with a divorced rock star dad hiring a nanny but I haven’t seen any recent posts about it and I can’t remember the name of the book. There was another one about a woman running into someone at law school that she’s previously met. I can’t remember the name of that one either. Do you recall either of these? Thanks.
Aestas says
First one could be the book on the new releases page for this week: All Stars Fall
Second definitely rings a bell but for some reason I think it may have been released already? Not positive but try checking back through new releases.
Immanuel says
Oh wow, the Archangel’s sun has a superb book cover!
Vicki says
Is there a new website or have you stopped updating this one. I love your blog and sure do miss it but totally understand if you have stopped.
Vicki Kizziar says
Is there a new website or have you stopped updating this one. I love your blog and sure do miss it but totally understand if you have stopped.
Tracey says
This has been my go to page for finding upcoming books to look out for. It was perfect. Does anyone else have a similar site that had a listing like this. Thanks