Have you read Wallbanger yet?!?!
If you haven’t, you neeeeed to bump it up your to-read list!
The banter! The chemistry! The flirting! The texts!!!! *melt* The nooking! The wooing! … this book is just loaded with win!
I read most of it with a big stupid grin plastered on my face and pretty much just alternated between squeeing, squealing, giggling, snorting, crying, shaking and cackling with laughter.
Scroll down for more info on Wallbanger and Alice Clayton’s Redhead series…and a GIVEAWAY!!
Be sure to check the bottom of the page and

Alice Clayton is a new novelist with an unholy love for her Kitchenaid mixer. Making her home in St Louis, she enjoys gardening but not weeding, baking but not cleaning up afterwards, and is trying desperately to get her long time boyfriend to make her an honest woman. Hi sweetie!!
After working for years in the cosmetics industry as a makeup artist, esthetician, and national educator for a major cosmetics company, Alice picked up a pen (read laptop) for the first time at 33 to begin a new career, writer. Having never written a thing before, she found writing was the creative outlet she had been missing since walking away from the theater 10 years ago. Combining her love of storytelling with a sense of silly, she was shocked and awed to be nominated for a Goodreads Author award in 2010 for her debut novels, The Redhead Series.
Alice has penned two novels, The Unidentified Redhead and The Redhead Revealed, and thinks you should purchase them immediately. She’s not kidding, not even a little bit. Everyone needs some comedic erotica in their lives. She is hard at work on the third book in The Redhead Series which will be out Spring of 2013 which will continue the saucy and sexual escapades of everyone’s favorite couple, Jack and Grace. She has another new release coming up soon in November of 2012, all new characters, all new story, but same brand of smutty hilarity.
Additionally, Alice loves spending time with her besties on notyourmotherspodcast.com, make sure you check them out on iTunes. 3 women rushing towards their forties still acting like teenagers. A saucy little mix of sex, love, relationships, pop cultural, celebrity gossip and All Things Jake Ryan.
Alice enjoys pickles, Bloody Mary’s, 8 hours of sleep, and a good pounding.
Finally Alice would also like all her readers and listeners to help her convince her long time boyfriend that the only other thing that would make her truly happy is finally bringing home a Bernese Mountain Dog. She is totally serious. And done talking about herself in the third person…

Caroline Reynolds has a fantastic new apartment in San Francisco, a KitchenAid mixer, and no O (and we’re not talking Oprah here, folks). She has a flourishing design career, an office overlooking the bay, a killer zucchini bread recipe, and no O. She has Clive (the best cat ever), great friends, a great rack, and no O.
Adding insult to O-less, since her move, she has an oversexed neighbor with the loudest late-night wallbanging she’s ever heard. Each moan, spank, and–was that a meow?–punctuates the fact that not only is she losing sleep, she still has, yep, you guessed it, no O.
Enter Simon Parker. (No, really, Simon, please enter.) When the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Caroline, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. Their late-night hallway encounter has, well, mixed results. Ahem. With walls this thin, the tension’s gonna be thick…
My spoiler-free review of WALLBANGER
(5 HUGE stars!)
This book was brilliant!!
Pure gold!
I’m in love with Simon.
Completely, utterly in love.
My cheeks ache from laughing.
My heart is happy.
Did I mention I love this book?
This book was pure, decadent, lighthearted, un-put-downable, FUN!! A well-written, perfect blend of all things happy, romantic, sweet, funny (hilarious, really), melty, swoony, witty, steamy, with just enough tender, deeper moments to make my heart squeeze. I fell in love with everything – the characters, the writing, the story… and Clive. The most awesome cat ever to grace the pages of a novel.
It was just one winning line after another. I swear more than half my book is highlighted. No joke!!
READ IT!!!!!
If you loved Wallbanger and are looking for more from this author, try her debut series!
“He had known exactly what I needed and when I needed it. It was as if he was put on this earth for the sole purpose of giving me pleasure. Who am I to argue with intelligent design?”
When Grace Sheridan returns to Los Angeles to become a working actor, it’s a second shot at a life-long dream. With some help from her best friend and agent, that dream could become a reality, but at thirty-three, has Grace missed her chance at the big time? Will an unexpected sizzling romance with the entertainment industry’s newest ‘it’ boy shine an uncomfortable spotlight on her life?
With laugh out loud dialogue and a super steamy romance that will get your heart racing, sneaking around in L.A. and dodging the Paparazzi has never been so fun.
My spoiler-free reviews of both Redhead books.
(click the books if you want to buy them)
Enter the Rafflecopter link below to win eCopies of
either Wallbanger or The Unidentified Redhead!!!
Open internationally.
11:00 AM EST
(author of Back To You )
Sheri Zee says
Alice is my idol. I have a massive girl crush on her!
Melissa C says
These sound like the cute light read that I like on occasion. Thank you so much for the giveaway and introducing me to yet another new up and coming author.
erinf1 says
Thanks for the awesome post and giveaway! I loved Wallbanger and I’ve recommended it to all my friends 🙂
Crissy Mackey says
Thanks for giving us a chance at two great books. I would love “Wallbanger”, I’ve heard such great things about it but haven’t read it.
Dena Rose says
Wallbanger was the best book. I never laughed, cried or giggle so much. Great book and will read it over and over again. I already read it twice, just because. Its a 5 star in my book
Karen Roma says
These books sound awesome! Thank you so much for the giveaway and Alice’s books are now on my TBR list!
Lisa @silverlight00 says
I LOVED Wallbanger!! I cannot wait to read more from Alice. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Janell says
Heard about these from a friend. Can’t wait to read them!
Nikki Sparks says
OMG!! Thank you so much!! I’ve been wanting to read this for a while now!! Been hearing that its amazing! Can’t wait to start it! Thank you for having the giveaway and giving me a chance to win it! You all rock!!
Andie Wardlow says
THANK YOU AESTAS!!! YOU ROCK!!! Can’t believe I won…can’t wait to start Wallbanger!!!!