“Tell me you’re mine,” he whispered.
“I’m yours. I’ve always been yours.”
What a wonderful read!! This book grabbed my attention from the first paragraph and kept me up all night flipping pages. It took me by surprise several times and I’m still smiling when I think back on it.
Before anything, I know that it says that this is a “Sign of Love” book and it is a part of that series but it is also a complete standalone and you do not have to read the other books in the series first.
The story starts out in Vegas, at a hotel hosting two very different types of conferences — one was the International Law Students Association Conference, and the other was The Adult Entertainment Expo — and this was where straight laced law student Grace Hamilton quite literally ran smack into Carson Stinger, Straight Male Performer. I have to share this hilarious little tidbit from the end of their first meeting:
“Have a good time… er, a nice time, um, enjoy,” I gestured toward his name tag, “the show. Or rather, not the show, but the… well, enjoy the weekend…”
And that’s when he burst out laughing… “I will, Buttercup. And you enjoy your weekend too. Let me guess, law student conference?”…
“Yes, actually. Is there something wrong with that?”
“No, not at all. Looks like we’re both here to learn to be the best at getting people off.”
These two couldn’t possibly have come from different worlds but when they got stuck in a broken elevator together for a few hours, they were forced to get to know each other a little better and to see past the preconceived notions they’d both formed. And then this happened…
“Lose control, baby. Just for a weekend. Let me take charge. I’ll take good care of you, I promise.”
One elevator chat turned into a passionate, whirlwind weekend where they connected on every possible level. I totally fell in love with the idea of them. But throughout it all was an undercurrent of worry. Time was running out because come Monday, she’d have to return to her high powered, meticulously planned life, and he’d have to head off to a shoot… fate was just not on their side.
As the precious hours of their weekend slipped by, I felt my heart beginning to break. I felt their connection — it sizzled! — and that sizzle made it hurt all the more because with the way their lives were set up, they were caught between a rock and a hard place, and there was no right answer or easy way out.
And then came the twist.
I will admit flat out that I did not see the twist coming. I totally thought I had this book figured out in my mind — law student meets porn star, they connect, can’t be together, separate, get back together — I was so sure that was what was going to happen.
Welp, I should have remembered which author I was reading because she surprised me in her first book, Leo, and she pulled the rug out from under me again here. Have I mentioned how much I love books that can take me by surprise? My heart jumped right into my throat and I just couldn’t flip the pages fast enough. I literally couldn’t. I’m pretty sure I didn’t even blink for the entire second half of the book.
I’m not going to say a word about it though because literally anything I mention about the second half of the book is a spoiler. I’ve tried to think of a million different things I could say but they all give away too much so I’m just going to let you discover it for yourselves 🙂
“Sometimes you don’t even realize anything is wrong until someone comes along and changes you, and makes you want more.”
*Sigh* I loved Carson. Throughout the book, I went from swooning, to fanning myself, to almost crying, to flat-out squeeing, and sometimes to sitting there in utter shock with my jaw dropped at the reveals.
What started out as a fun “porn star meets lawyer” romance (which already had my attention even just at that) turned into a gorgeous heart-felt jouney that took me by surprise again and again. I truly loved it!
4 – 4.5 stars