♥ SIGNED BOOK GIVEAWAY ♥ Thank you for the 8,000 Likes

♥ SIGNED BOOK GIVEAWAY ♥ Thank you for the 8,000 Likes


WOW WOW WOW!!! 8,000 LIKES!!

You guys are keeping me on my toes with these giveaways and I freaking LOVE it!!! 

Thank you all so much for supporting my blog!! ♥♥

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I enjoy chatting with you all everyday, exchanging book recommendations, and just generally being able to share with you guys the love and enthusiasm I know that we all feel for these books 🙂

As a way of showing my thanks and spreading the book love, I’ve collaborated with 8 of my favorite authors to bring you a wonderful giveaway of 8 signed books that I have read, loved and would highly recommend ♥

Here’s the list:

Click the book titles for my reviews:
The Edge of Never by JA Redmerski (International)
Ten Tiny Breaths by KA Tucker (International – bound galley copy)
Captive In The Dark by CJ Roberts (US only)
Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park (US only)
Losing It by Cora Carmack (International)
Falling Into You by Jasinda Wilder (International)
The Proposition by Katie Ashley (US/Canada)
Clash by Nicole Williams (US only)

*The winner of The Edge of Never will receive their copy in July, 2013. This book was recently picked up by a publisher and that is when the new paperbacks will be available.

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Part of this giveaway is open Internationally, part of it is US only.
Void where prohibited. Must be over 18 to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Book Review – Connected (Connections #1) by Kim Karr

Book Review – Connected (Connections #1) by Kim Karr

What if  Once in a Lifetime’ could happen twice? 

WOW. That ending. Just… WOW.

Its not often that a book can really pull the rug right out from under me with a revelation like that but I swear to you I did NOT see that ending coming!! Wow. Wow. WOW. Amazing!

The majority of the book read as a solid 4-star read for the most part. I liked the characters, I liked the story, and enjoyed my read. There were a few scenes here and there that were just phenomenal, but for the most part, I sat at a very happy 4 stars. Until the end. The last 15% or so were a solid 5 stars. Have I said “wow” yet? ‘Cuz it deserves to be said again!

Yes, the ending is a cliffhanger. Technically. But it’s also not really. It’s an ending that I wouldn’t change for anything. It is probably one of the best story twists I’ve read. I’ve thought about it a lot and honestly, the story just would not have had the same impact if it had ended differently. Let’s put it this way, I hate cliffhangers, but I loved this ending. Why? Because of what it opened up for the future story lines.

Right. So what’s this book about?

Dahlia London had a loving boyfriend, wonderful friends and a beautiful life. But a chance encounter with a local rockstar, River Wilde, threw her world off its axis for a moment. They had a connection. An intense, undeniable connection.

“When our eyes connected it felt like minutes, in reality it was mere seconds. At that moment, something happened inside of me. The connection was like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was an electric pull that willed me in and forced me to keep looking at him….could love at first sight even exist when you were already in love with someone else?”

And then she walked away.

But her world is shattered the day her boyfriend, who has also been her best friend since childhood, is killed. Her entire life comes crashing down. He has been a constant in her life since she can remember and she can’t even begin to imagine going on without him.

Those scenes were incredibly well written. Losing a loved one is one of the worst nightmare scenarios imaginable and the author captured that feeling of utter loss and despair so vividly. I wanted to cry. My chest constricted. My throat closed. It was powerful and heart breaking.

But as time moves on, eventually she finds the need to allow her heart to mend. And when River comes back into her life, that connection they had that one time is rekindled and magnified. It was always there, but now, there is nothing standing in their way.

“I feel like fate has brought us together again. I also believe that one night, so long ago, just wasn’t the right time for us. But tonight is.”

Ben was perfect for her – he truly was her match. But … so was River. He was her soul mate. I truly fell in love twice in this book.

I really liked that nothing about this book felt rushed. I felt that there was enough time between Ben and River that I, as a reader was allowed the time to grieve, and by the time River came into Dahlia’s life, it was the right time and I too was ready to move forward.

That being said, I really appreciated Dahlia’s struggle with not being able to or wanting to move on at first, but at the same time being faced with the reality that her boyfriend just wasn’t coming back. And finding that point within her heart where she felt she could open it up again to love.

I absolutely LOVED that River never tried to replace Ben. He knew what Ben meant to her and despite naturally having his own worries, he both honored and respected his memory and her need to keep him in her heart. And to me, that spoke volumes about the kind of man he was.

Music plays a huge role in this story. Both the song references, the playlist at the beginning of the book and the chapter titles all serves to better connect the pieces of the story together.

This book has so many wonderful elements – rockstars, swoon, passion, heart break, loss, healing and hotness!!!! Yes, there is sex! Most certainly an adult read!

“I swear I won’t stop until your legs are shaking and every hotel guest on this floor knows my name.”

And… there’s even a little shout out to Kellan and Jake in this book! How cool is that?? Rockstar cameos!

The first chunk of the book is written from Dahlia’s POV but later on we are treated to quite a bit of River’s side of the story. I liked seeing how felt about everything – seeing his fears despite how understanding he was. And seeing how completely and utterly in love with her he was.

“I never imagined I could feel so connected to anyone as much as I feel connected to you. I knew I loved you from the moment I saw you. How could I not? Loving you is as easy as breathing.”

So about that ending!!! Seriously… that last 15% …. Holyyyyyyyy WOW! I didn’t see it coming. I thought of every possible theory but that one. I got chills. Shivers. EVERYTHING just all came together. LOVE LOVE LOVED the twist!!!!

Is it weird to say that I would describe it as a cliffhanger that I loved? I both loved and hated it. I hated it because I desperately wanted more, and I loved it because honestly, it was just a freaking AWESOME twist and I wouldn’t change it for anything!

“Dahlia, I will love you forever… in this lifetime and in the next.”

What if once in a life time truly CAN happen twice? Kim Karr’s debut novel made me fall in love twice and just blew me away with the ending. I can’t wait for more of her books!

4.5 stars overall (4 stars for most of the book but 5 huge stars for that ending!)



Cover Reveal – Uncharted by Tracey Garvis Graves

Cover Reveal – Uncharted by Tracey Garvis Graves


UNCHARTED by Tracey Garvis Graves

When twenty-three-year-old dot-com millionaire Owen Sparks walked away from his charmed life, he had one goal in mind: get as far away as possible from the people who resented his success, or had their hand out for a piece of it. A remote uncharted island halfway around the world seemed like a perfectly logical place to get away from it all.

Calia Reed wasn’t part of Owen’s plans. The beautiful British girl — on holiday in the Maldives with her brother, James — made Owen wonder if getting away from it all might be a lot more enjoyable with a carefree girl who didn’t know anything about the life he left behind.

But Owen had no idea how much his carefully detailed plans would go awry. Nor did he realize that a decision he made would have such a catastrophic effect on two passengers who boarded a plane in Chicago .

And when Owen shows up at Anna and T.J.’s door with an incredible story to tell, everyone involved will learn just how much their lives are intertwined.

Uncharted includes an early look at Covet, coming September 17, 2013.

Add to Goodreads

ON THE ISLAND | My 5-star review

Book Review – Insanity (Asylum #1) by Lauren Hammond

Book Review – Insanity (Asylum #1) by Lauren Hammond

4 – 4.5 stars.

“I. Am. Not. Crazy. That’s just ludicrous. Ridiculous…. I can’t be. But if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be here, right? So maybe… I am.”

Wow – I was looking for something unique and just “different” and this absolutely fit the bill!

The story was creative and original and honestly was just a total mind fuck that constantly had me questioning each theory I’d come up with.

The book was told from the perspective of a young woman, Adelaide, who was committed to an insane asylum. She didn’t believe she was crazy, but everyone else seemed to think she was. So… who was right?

The story was instantly gripping – the kind that made me curious and desperate to find out more. But the more I found out, the more I wondered. Was she crazy? Was she broken? Was everything that I was reading imagined? Or did it really happen? Where was the line between illusion and reality?

As to whether this book is a romance, I’d say yes. Technically. Ish. Kinda? It wasn’t your typical romance to be sure. There was sex and some hotness but I don’t want to say TOO much about it for fear of spoilers.  I do think though that over the course of the whole trilogy it’ll be really really interesting to see where the author takes that part of the story. But the romance is a key part of the story. I just don’t want to give away too many details because honestly, they’ll just lead to spoilers.

The story was told in a mixture of both “before” and “after” she is committed. In the “before”, you saw her abusive home life and the build up of what led her to where she was now. And the more you saw the pieces of her “before”, you couldn’t help but wonder… what the hell happened to her?

Even in the way Adelaide talked, I could sense that something just wasn’t quite right with her. Or was I just looking for it because I was expecting it? I love books that make me question everything. That make me search for answers and where everything is not just black and white. There was just this constant feeling throughout the whole book of reality being JUST beyond my grasp.

The book was very well written. I enjoyed both the writing style and the pacing as well as the back-and-forth between the past and present story lines. I think I felt a tiny bit disconnected simply because I felt like I didn’t have even one solid piece of reality to hold on to because EVERYTHING was in question, but at the same time, that really set the exact right tone for the story.

It was also fairly short (not a novella though) and could easily be read in a few hours.

There was a huge twist near the end. I suspected it about half way through the story but honestly was just really happy to be proven right because it was almost a bit of “proof” that despite the book being a mind fuck, I had still retained my sanity 😉

The ending is a cliffhanger and I definitely want to read the other books in this series. I feel quite invested in the story and can’t wait to see where the author is going to take it.

I wanted something “outside the box” and this book most certainly delivered!

Here’s a small teaser that might help you decide if you want to give this book a shot:

There’s a ringing in my ears that I can’t shut out. There’s a hand on my wrist that doesn’t let go. Before exhaustion takes over I look up. Blue eyes is at the end of the bed. He releases my wrist and laces his fingers through mine. I squint as the sedative blurs my vision, begins to decapitate my mind, and then notice the painful look in those blue blue eyes.

On top of the pain in the two blue gems there’s familiarity.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

How could I forget him? Him, of all people. The one person in the entire world who holds the key to my heart. The one and only person who has ever really loved me. Then I remind myself that they feed and inject me with so many drugs, that its a miracle I don’t forget who I am.

I struggle to sound coherent, “Damien?”

He mouths something.

Six words.

Six words that seem too impossible to be true.

Six words that bleed hope into my soul.

Six words.

“You’re not crazy. I love you.”

4 – 4.5 stars.

READING ORDER for THE ASYLUM TRILOGY (click links to buy books):





While I was at the Boston Author Event this past weekend, I got something super cool to giveaway to a very lucky winner…

♥ a copy of RECKLESS signed by both Kellan Kyle and SC Stephens ♥

Due to an unfortunate camera glitch, my photo of Kellan didn’t turn out 😉 but here’s one of SC sending a shout-out to everyone here!


You can check out my 6-star, spoiler-free review of Reckless here!

To enter the giveaway, simply follow the Rafflecopter instructions. You can do one or all of the tasks, its up to you 🙂

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Open Internationally.
Void where prohibited. Must be over 18 to enter.

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