
  1. I can’t wait to dive into this book! Seriously, the first book blew me away, made me cry and then made we want to read it all over again!

  2. The cover is gorgeous!!!! Cant wait to start reading this series once I get Light in the Shadows!

  3. Oh my goodness what a great giveaway, thank you. I just finished Find you in the Dark and absolutely loved every single page.

  4. I am sooo jealous – you get to read all these awesome books so fast. I can only dream of reading as fast as you do LOL…thanks for the chance to win!!

  5. I’m so excited that Light in the Shadows is finally here. The story of Clay & Maggie was so emotional, so raw, so gut wrenchingly real, I’ve been waiting to finish their story, to be on the journey along with them.

  6. I am so excited to read this book!! I loved Find you in the Dark, and totally fell in love with how broken Clay was. I cried my eyes out…I hope they find their way to heal each other. Thank you for the chance to win, I loved your review!

  7. After your reviews for these books I am so excited to get started reading them! They sound amazing. Thanks for the awesome reviews and giveaways!

  8. I’m so nervous to read Light in the Shadows because I know it’s going to be a roller coaster of emotions…again…just like Find You in the Dark. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I really enjoyed Find you in the Dark, excited to read Light in the Shadows. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

  10. I’m really praying this one ends a little easier on my heart strings. Don’t know if my heart can take much more! (EEEEEKKKKK)

  11. Find You in the Dark is the best book I’ve read so far this year! SO happy this one is finally out so that I can see how their story ends 🙂

  12. I absolutely love the series 😀 You wrote an amazing review and I cannot wait to get my hands on this book <3 EEEEEK so excited!

  13. I’m really excited about this one! IT keeps getting such great reviews! Thank you for the chance! oxox

  14. OMG I just finished Find You in the Dark two seconds ago and I was beyond excited to see that there was a part two to there story. Through my tear filled eyes I had to put it on my tbr list on amazon. I couldn’t put this story down even at work I was reading. LOVED IT!!!!

  15. Wow, what an awesome review! You have me more excited than I already was with the first 2 books! Thanks for the chance to win Light in the Shadows! <3

  16. Can’t wait to read Light In The Shadows!!!! *fingers crossed* Find You in the Dark was AMAZING!!! I know this book will be too!

  17. i’am no words how much i loved Find You in the Dark now! Aestas book blog thank you for introducing this wonderful story! im almost finished reading Find you in the Dark and it would be AWESOME TO WIN A COPY OF BOOK 2!!!! waaaaaaaaa keeping all my fingers arms toes and everything crossed!!! ^_^

  18. OK….the next book I’m grabbing off of my Kindle is Find You in the Dark. At least I’ll know which one to read next from the growing number that are on there. I just bought Cloud Walking to also read. Crossing my fingers that I win this book.
    Thank you for giveaway & the review!

  19. Great review! I liked the first book, but I think I might like the second one even more – it sounds really good.
    Thanks for giveaway opportunity (:

  20. A good giveaway I cant wait to read this book from what I’ve read in the summary it will be an amazing book:)

  21. I finished find you in the dark and wooooooooooow was the first thing that came out of my mouth! Its always the unexpected ones! Looooved it

  22. Both of these books hit home personally for me, having a child that suffers from mental illness, and Ms. Walters couldn’t have done a better job at giving people who are affected by these illnesses hope! I couldn’t love these books more.

  23. Thank you for the giveaway. I am so excited to read “Light in the Shadows,” I absolutely loved “Find you in the Dark.”

  24. wow, amazing cover! *-*
    I’m so curious about this series, thanks a lot for the GA, love your blog and your reviews.

  25. I love your site! I loved these books! The whole way through my heart was broken. Thank GOD for the light!

  26. This book is on my TBR list. I absolutely love..I mean LOVED Find you in the Dark. Can’t wait to read this! And I know that I will have to read this in one sitting.

  27. I haven’t read these either, but I’ve only heard wonderful things about them! Thanks for the giveaway!

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