5 stars!
A few months ago, very late one night, C.J. Roberts released the beginning of an epilogue to THE DARK DUET and I utterly blown away by how amazing it was. Not long after she announced that it would be turned into a full-length epilogue book. This is that book.
- IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE DARK DUET, DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW!! Instead, go to my review of book #1 and start there.
- If you have read the first 2 books, then this is a spoiler-free review.
The Dark Duet series is one of my all-time favorite stories and so when I found out that there was going to be an epilogue my heart literally just stopped for a moment!! I couldn’t even read it right away because even just the possibility of it brought back a whole slew of strong, heart-clenching emotions I had wrapped up after having finished the series.
My heart was pounding pounding POUNDING. Every detail of the story and my connection to the characters came flooding back to me. From the very first line I was just propelled *right* back to the exact moment that the story had left off. I was right there. My whole heart was involved, instantly. I was *with* it every word of the way. I’m not kidding – it was perfect!
In this epilogue we get to see the story from Caleb’s POV. It takes us back to that scene at the end of book #2 and moved forward from there but this time showing us the story through his eyes…
“I missed you every day, Kitten. Every. Fucking. Day.”
I loved that it felt exactly like Caleb was talking right to me. Ok, us. Ok, the readers. But I can pretend it was me. I felt like it was me. My world just shut down and it was just me hanging onto every detail of the story he told.
The tables were turned in this book and we got to see his frustrations at being in the position of needing HER acceptance. He always had been dominant by nature and so it was a true sign of his love for her that he kept trying to hold himself back and give HER exactly what she needed from him.
“I had gone through all sorts of scenarios in my head prior to making contact with Livvie. However, her passive aggressive behavior toward me was not one of them. My mind is much more problem/solution oriented. Mad at me? Scream at me. Punch me if you’re up to it. Please don’t smile at me sweetly, act like nothing is wrong and then leave me disillusioned. And before you say anything, yes — I realize how fucking ironic my words are. I have played my fair share on mind games with Livvie. It doesn’t mean I liked being on the other side. No man does.”
He tried to play nice and, he was a good person at heart (we all know this) but the truth of it is that he is not nice. He’s not your white picket fence. He’s your dark-and-twisted. But he’s also the guy who loved her with his whole heart and it just broke my mine to see him trying SO hard.
“I know you deserve to be happy. I know you deserve someone… better, but I’m selfish. I want you. I want you bad enough to try and be someone better.”
I loved watching them rediscover each other. They had one hell of a history together but this was like starting fresh to a certain extent – removed from the nightmare, and in a new environment with new hopes and new possibilities.
“No, Kitten. I’m not okay,” I whispered. “I don’t know how long it’s going to take for me to be okay. I just know that as long as you’re with me, there’s a chance that one day… I might be.”
I loved that this truly was an Epilogue in every sense of the word. To me, an epilogue is the happily ever after and with Caleb and Livvie, it wasn’t just a question of slipping into one as so many other book couples do because after the intensly dark and emotional journey of the first two books, it was believable that they would have to work hard to find the exact balance of happy that worked for them. This Epilogue wasn’t just another book in the series, but rather a detailed and focused continuation of how they rebuilt their lives and their relationship.
It’s not often (okay, it’s not ever) that we get to see something like this – an epilogue turned into an entire book. We’ve been through the nightmares and the pain of their journey through the dark but now it was time for them both to find a way to live in the light.
I loved that there was no external drama in this book – it was all focused on the main characters. It literally just showed the struggles of two people try to move on from what they’d been through. It showed the emotional conflict, the questions, the uncertainties, the desires, and most strongly the knowledge that they both needed each other more than anything else in the world. They’d been through so much together and just had to find the way to live with that.
The truth of it is that what happened to Livvie was not okay. What happened to Caleb was not okay. But just because bad things happen, it doesn’t mean there can be no moving forward.
“I didn’t want to hurt her. I loved her. I didn’t know how to do it like normal people. I didn’t know how to tell her how scared I was.”
Their happily-ever-after wasn’t fairy tale perfect but at the same time, I absolutely loved the message it conveyed that even people with the most utterly fucked up pasts could still find their slice of happiness – however unconventional it might be. The point is that they found what worked for them. And that was just absolutely beautiful.
“I know it’s odd between us. How could it not be? We don’t know each other in this world, but I’ve seen you at your worst, and what I know is that you’d do anything to protect me. That’s enough for now. The rest will come.”
I think that this story was so important to tell because after the events that they lived through in the first two books, in order to fully connect with and understand what made them able to move on to their future while living with their pasts, the explanation was necessary to fully show the readers more than just their love for each other but the literally process of how they came to their decisions.
I truly feel that Caleb and Livvie’s story has now come full circle. There are few stories out there that take the time to actually give the readers such a complete picture of the ‘happily ever after’ and it’s a rare and special thing for the readers to experience especially considering the strong levels of emotional connection that bonded us to the characters in the first two books.
The journey they have been through is one of a kind. Twisted. Fucked up. Scarring. Beautiful.
“I had come to understand our relationship would be riddled with moments where the past sucked all the joy out of the present. My only hope was that with enough time, Livvie and I would build memories capable of trumping our beginning.”
If you haven’t read this series yet, I strongly urge you to give it a shot. It is truly in a category on its own. It will test you. Test you to the very possible limit. But oh-my-GOD is it EVER worth it!!
This entire series has a beautiful but utterly RAW and honest intensity to it. It just pulls at your heart. You can’t help but be drawn in. C.J. Roberts’ writing is addictive. Its compelling, beautiful, and deeply evocative. She is honestly one of the most talented authors I’ve read.
I won’t lie though, this story is NOT for the faint of heart. It is captivating, yet deeply twisted… very disturbing and yet truly beautiful. It is gritty and powerful. But honestly, if you feel brave enough to give it a go, its one of *those* stories that you won’t forget.
“I’d kill for you, Livvie. I’d die for you.”
Series rating: 5 ++ stars!
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Mélodie says
Loved loved loved the epilogue ! C.J Roberts could write an entire epilogue book I would definitely buy it !
Aestas says
LOL!! I totally agree 😀
Dione Sage says
Oh wow, I am going to need to read this, especially after this post! Crazy though that the book description sounds so dangerously enticing in such a bad way (bad of course meaning both bad and good). Thanks for sharing this one, adding it to my TBR list now 🙂
Honey says
Omg I am breathless right now!! That was just awesome!! It feels so weird to love Caleb! But I do!:)
Dione Sage says
Okay, I have now read all of these books and will just say… AMAZING! This series was great and the epilogue was wonderful!
jessica says
Thanks for the giveaway! Love this series!
tammi says
I live this series. Can’t wait to read more Caleb!
Jo-Anna Walker says
SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brittiany says
This series is one of my favorites!
Diana Doan says
I LOVE your blog! And thanks for the giveaway.
Misty B says
awesome! cant wait to read the series.
Alex Garcia says
Fingers crossed!!!!
Kim Perry says
I love these books! Thanks for the giveaway!
Gi says
Brilliant series! Thanks for the giveaway!
Lori Mitchell says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Alisa says
So hot. I am so pumped for this book
sara fuller says
Can’t wait for this to come out!
Ashley says
Can’t wait to read this one!!
Pam Nelson says
Very exciting
Ashley Nicole says
So excited for this book. Cannot wait to hear what Caleb has to say. It will be different hearing his POV.
Nicole says
Can’t wait
kp says
would love to win this book!
Zita R says
Thanks for the give-away!
Fran Gold says
Love this series! Thank you for the giveaway chance!
Allie Mathews says
I’ve read the first one, got the second one on my kindle and this would be great to win so I can read the whole thing!!!!! Thank you for the giveaway.
Sarah A. says
Can’t WAIT to read this book! 🙂
Tosha Powers says
I have been wanting to read these books but haven’t yet. This would be great to win them. 🙂
Tracy C says
Thanks for another great giveaway! I can’t wait to read this one 🙂
Layla Darnell says
looks awesome hope I win!
Rebecca says
Cannot wait for this book!!!!!
Melissa C. says
So excited to read this!
Vanessa says
What an awesome giveaway!! Thank you!
Donna Murphy says
The blurb sounds great!!! Can’t wait to read Epilogue!! Thanks for such a great giveaway!!
Nadia Hassan says
Wow! Aesta I don’t known how you do this!?! But don’t ever stop! I love you, your reviews and your giveaways! <3
Helena Waluga says
Id love to win a signed copy of this one! I love this series and CANT wait to get my hands on this book. I really enjoy a book with a jerk as a hero ;))
Belen Rojas says
I can’t wait for this!!
Nicole Sands says
Definitely one of the best series I have ever read! So different in every beautiful & painful way!
Susan E says
Thanks a lot for the giveaway! I’m so excited for the release of Caleb’s story.
Susan Cooley says
Can’t wait to read this one! Thanks for the giveaway!
Raj says
I agree. The epilogue is awesome and I loved the cover
Kayleigh W says
Yay!!! 🙂 So excited!! <3
Charlene E says
Captive and Seduced messed with my head, big time! I can not wait to hear Caleb speak and get his take on things. I NEED to see them happy for closure.
Debbie Jensen says
Thanks for the giveaway. I am excited to read this series.
Sonya says
I can’t wait to read this. The Dark Duet is one of my favorites. Amazing books 🙂
Kassandra says
Thank you for the chance!!
Shai P says
I want this book to come out now so I can start the series!
Yvette Sharp says
Thanks as always for the giveaway! Between you & Vilma I’m hopeful 😀 x
Irene says
I cant wait for this!!!!! I loved the dark duet!
Denise says
Looking forward to reading this one!
Brianna Hensley says
Oh my God, I can’t wait to read this! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
stacy says
love her books cant wait until its out
rowena says
omg! what great review! oh my! i really really want to read it now!!!!!! plsssssss… *sigh will keep all my fingers toes ams and everything crossed! tee hee
teel says
Thank you for the great blog and giveways
donna reynolds says
book sounds great ca not wait to read thanks for the giveaway
brittany hains says
would love to win!!!
Lacey T says
SO excited to read this!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway 🙂
Kirsty says
Love this series. Can’t wait for to read the Epilogue!
Leahia Laszlo says
Please please please! I absolutely LOVE this series! Definitely would be fan girling if I got my hands on one:)
Jennifer Santana says
I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL THIS BOOK IS OUT!!!! Caleb has become my obsession I swear! I never get tired of reading the dark duet. Once I get the epilogue book in my hand….I know it’s going to be a problem!! I’m literally going crazy right now! GAHHHHH the anticipation!! I need this book so BAD. I can’t breath..I can not breath!!!!!!!!!!! I must have this book. It’s my lifeline! I got this ice box where my heart used to be(omarion) from Caleb withdrawal! I’m suffering here!! I NEED IT!!!!!!! lol but seriously I really do want the book. o.O like really REALLY bad. Anyways thanks for the GIVEAWAY! ^_^ “fingers crossed..toes crossed tongue crossed..(legs crossed cause I’m a ladyyy ; )” Hope I amused some of you <3
Mindi King says
Can’t wait for this one!
Farzy @ Books Keep Me Sane says
i hope to win 🙂 I really want to read this book
Michelle Surtees says
Would love to win, Loved this series and can’t wait for the Epilogue 😀
Kassandra says
I loved the first two books and can’t wait to read the other side view. I loved the first two chapters that was shared and can’t wait for more.
Danielle Hoover says
OMG!!! I would LOVE to win the signed copy!!!!!! Thanks for the chance <3
Suzanne says
Have the first book…totally loved it! Need to finish series. Close it out
Monisha says
I loveeeeeeed the Captive In The Dark series like crazy!!!!!!
Would be utterly, savagely, fangirl-ly (even though its not a word) happy if I win this book! 🙂
By the way, loved the review!
Keep rocking!!!! 😀
pap andreea says
I love Caleb and Kitten!!! and i can’t wait to read my favorit male’s POV
Stephanie says
Can’t wait to read it!
Robin Mitnick says
Love this series, your reviews and your giveaways!
Lona says
Love this series, cant wait for Caleb’s POV. Great reviews.
teresa says
OMG, I cannot wait for this book, love The Dark Duet Series, Love CJ Roberts, and I love you and your giveways!!
Scarlett Camaj says
Can’t wait to read it!!
Jen B (@Scrapingirl16) says
Oh my gosh, I can’t wait for this!!!!!
Natasna says
great giveaway cant wait
Laurie says
Hope I win!
Reid Storey says
I can’t stinkin’ wait for this!!!
Crissy Mackey says
I read and loved the first two books and I am so excited to read Caleb’s pov
Lariza says
Great giveaway!! Can’t wait for more Caleb!!
Joann Hohl says
Cannot wait to read this book– looks fantastic!!!!
Vicki Green says
Thanks for the Giveaway! Can’t wait to read this!!!!!
Andi Maples says
I’d love to win!
Jansen says
Can’t wait for this book!!!
Sarah M says
Great giveaway
Betty Hamilton says
Oh, how I would LOVE to win a copy. I am sooooo looking forward to reading this!
Emilia says
Awesome giveaway! Thank you!
Heather @ Red Headed Bookworm says
I cannot wait for this book! Thanks so much!
April K says
I can not wait for this book…I sooooooo wanna win! :0)
Vanna O'Neil says
Can’t wait for this one!!!
smk says
I am counting the days until this book releases. I need more Caleb and Livvie.
Michele Dewell says
I have the first two but havent read them yet. Can wait til this one comes out. Thanks for the giveaway.
Lisa P says
Loved this series and can not wait for the conclusion. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Charice Mehring says
Looking forward to reading the entire series.
Kyunhae Cho says
I love this series so much and have been waiting for this to be out since I heard about it! Also thank you so much for this giveaway!
Kim says
Love this series. Look forward to reading the next addition. Thank you for the giveaway.
Adrienne Scales says
Seriously excited for this book to come out! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Tyna says
I cannot wait for this book. 2 weeks feels like an eternity. And God bless C.J. for making this a full length book. A few chapters would never have been enough Caleb.
Janna says
Need to read this:)
Kissa Xu says
Squeeee! Loved these series ♥
tara sharland says
I NEED this! got my fingers and toes crossed!
Holly Leffler says
This is one of my ALL TIME FAVES!!! I love this series so much!!
Imenj says
Great Giveaway and I can’t wait to read the epilogue of this great story.
Great Review by the way <3
latisha depoortere says
Thank you for the great giveaway and review can’t wait to read this book!
Jane N. Blake says
Thanks for the giveaway.
Tanya R. says
Love your blog and reviews. I can’t wait to read this book!!
Nicole says
Thank you!!
Jamie .M says
I cant wait for this book to come out. Thank you for the giveaway.
Monica V says
I cant wait to read
Elliot says
Oooo, I am very intrigued!!
Kristina Richmond says
Thank you for this I am excited 😉
Angela Love says
Thank you for the giveaway…. and the chance to enter!!!! I can’t wait to read this!!!!
Adriana says
I cannot wait to read this one!!
Amanda Brown says
I love signed books, thanks for a great giveaway and a chance to win. <3
Gloria Landavazo says
Cristina Riquelme says
Thanks for the giveaway!!!! can’t wait to read it 🙂
Yvette Cervera says
I LOVE this series!!!
Adriana C. says
Well, I’m excited.
liezel says
Realllly reallllly neeeeed this nOW!
Leslie C says
This is on my TBR, would love to get a signed copy 🙂 Thanks!
Jen says
Awesome Giveaway 🙂
Maureen Di Brienza says
I’ll have to keep an eye out for these….they sound wonderful
Amy Woodward says
So excited… Time to re-read the first two!!! ❤
Nikki Law says
I already have both the other books in print. Winning this book signed would make an amazing completion to my series. So fingers crossed and hoping like all heck I win this!!! Squeeeeeee!
StacyHgg says
Cannot wait to read Epilogue!!! Great review!
( ˘ ³˘)♥
Amy says
I’m very impatient for the book. Very!
Can’t wait for it, fantastic review!! 🙂
And great giveaway!!
Molly Frenzel says
This is my absolute favorite series. Thank you for the chance to win a signed copy. I can’t wait to read Epilogue!
Alyssa Chen says
I would love a signed copy!! Thank you so much Aestas!
verna says
Thanx for the chance to win
sam morris says
Great giveaway would love a chance to read this 🙂
Julie Cole says
Books 1 & 2 were great, looking forward to reading Epilogue!
April Lilly says
Oh my god, I need this soooo bad! But want to re-read captive and seduced before moving on to this… I know though that I won’t be human.. I read captive and seduced the first time, I did not get out of bed for 2 days straight.. Didnt go to work, didn’t leave the house.. Went to the toilet and ate a little, the rest was just reading non stop… Couldn’t tear away from the books…
Amy Shonk says
Already preordered my kindle copy, seriously can’t wait to read this!
Dominique L. says
Looking forward to reading the conclusion to this series.
Karina says
I can’t wait to start reading this series.
Liliana E. says
Can’t wait! I missed Caleb
Alexandra Bennett says
Love this series!! I can’t wait!!
Heather says
I can’t wait to read this. 🙂
Emily M says
Great giveaway! I love this series!
Nikki says
Oooooh la la!
HazelG says
LOVE me some CJ Roberts and I can’t wait to read this one! I need my badass Caleb fix ;p Fantastic review!
Katrina Camacho says
Thank you for this awesome giveaway!
Susana says
Can’t wait to read it!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Yvonne C says
Great giveaway!
Megan Keith says
Another awesome review and giveaway!
Jacquie Johnson says
Love this series…this is a great giveaway!!!
Brandy Myers says
Can’t wait on this one, have all the others just waiting on this one to read them all.
dessie says
Cool giveaway. Thanks for the chance. Haven’t gotte to this series yet. Good luck to all who enters.
Alexandra H says
Thanks for the chance! Love the blog!! (:
Alexia Purdy says
Holy crikey there’s a lot of comments! LOL. Thanks for the giveaway! <3
Emily says
I want!
Crystal says
Thanks for the giveaway. Excited to read this!
Stephanie says
loved the 1st two books can’t wait for this one thanks for the giveaway
Becky says
Loved this series!!! Love the idea of an epilogue as an entire book!!
Evelyn recinos says
I am so excited for this book!! I love the first two!
Kellie says
I love Caleb!!!! I can’t wait for this book.
melissa boutsy says
Thanks for the giveaway! (:
Ashley P says
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Erika says
If it is possible, I want to read this even more now! So excited to read Caleb’s pov and get back into this amazing series! One of my all time faves! Thanks for the chance to win and your thoughts!
Steffani Geary says
Can I just say that this is one of my favorite series and I would just cry if I won this? Thanks for the giveaways!!
misty trevino says
OMG! I am so jealous that you already got to read this and I cannot wait to read my own copy! CALEB!!!!
Debra Diaz says
Can’t wait to read this! Thanks for the giveaway!
Irene Rosa says
Thank you for the spoiler and this giveaway. Can’t wait.
Tiffany Jorgenson says
I can’t wait to read this! OMG so excited. Thanks for the giveaway!
Laura Mendez says
Thanks for the giveaway…. I can’t wait to read this book.
Heidi McAdoo says
I’ll be getting this with or without the giveaway. So excited!
Clara S says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Claudia Lopez Diego says
I still haven’t read these but I have them in my TBR list. Love your blog. 😉
Zandalee says
Oooh Caleb’s POV!! This series is on a whole other level. I cannot wait to read this!
Thanks for the giveaway! xx
Mari says
So excited for this!! The teasers drove me insane. Lol. More Caleb yey!
wanderherz says
thanks for the great giveaway 😀
Sabrina D. says
So excited for this book! Love the series!
Naomi O'Sullivan says
I absolutely love this series.. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Would love to win!! 😀
PAW says
Haven’t read the series but it’s on my TBR list. I thik I will wait for Epilogue to be released before I start reading the series. 🙂
Alexandra A says
Thank you for this giveaway! I LOVE this series <3
Debby says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Kelly says
Excited for this!
Kelsey Summer says
I can not wait for this book. I LOVED the first two and want Caleb’s POV.
Dannica Alcantara says
I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS!… i wanted to read about them being together now
Heather Bell says
These books are the best ever! Interfered with my dreams at night!
AJ says
God, I can’t wait for this book!!!!
Karen G. says
I loved the Dark Duet series and couldn’t stop thinking of them for so long and I have been impatiently waiting for the Epilogue! Thank you so much for the chance to win!
LaGina says
I cant wait to read!!!
Amy Pollard Woolard says
I LOVED this series & I am so excited to read The Epilogue! Can’t wait!!!
Bella says
thanks for the giveaway:)))))) xxxxx
Heather G says
Cannot wait!!
Bianca says
Can’t wait for more Caleb!!! <3
holly says
Can’t wait for this book. Great giveaway!
Susana D. says
Can’t wait for this one….loved other books….
Roxanne G says
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Wendy V says
Great giveaway… AWESOME BOOK COVER!!!
Jenny Dauksa Schaber says
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. I would love to read it!
Maria Maltais says
thank you so much for the giveaway
Andie Wardlow says
cant wait for Epilouge
Joy R says
Cassandra E says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Abbie Y says
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Bernadeth says
I really cannot wait for this!!
Laura Harris says
Such a great series and this is an awesome giveaway! Thank You!
Mindy says
This series completely changed me!
Manuela says
Love the cover. Are the scars part of the story? Haven’t read this series yet. Would love to though… 😉
Maribel Vaught says
I loved these books! Can’t wait to read the Epilogue!
Amanda Good says
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Tamicka says
I was so enraptured by this series I read it again. It is by far one if the only books I wish I never read so I could experience the feelings I had the very first time I read them
Teresa says
Best series I read last year. I would rate these more than the measly 5 stars Amazon allows us to give. Can’t wait for the next one.
Laura says
I can’t wait!!!
Jenny W says
Please please please pick me!!!
Justine says
I am dying to get my hands on this book! I can not wait for it to come it feels like forever!
Amy Johnson says
Can’t wait for Epilogue!!
Stephanie says
I’m thinking what everyone is thinking! I love this series and cannot wait to read Epilogue!
Bobbye Booth says
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Gaby says
Awesome page
Jen Wurtzburger says
I NEVER win these but I want this so badly! This is an awesome giveaway!! 😉
jeannie looper says
love it!! 🙂
Jenn says
The Dark Duet books are one of my favorite series! Absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to read this one!
Krystal Williams says
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Kim says
I really hope I win!!!
Tiffany Torres says
Thanks for the giveaway! !
Adrean says
Yay!!!❤ Super excited for this awesome giveaway!!
Aisa says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Ilze says
Cant wait for this to come out!! Awesome giveaway, thank you^^
Anna says
Thanks for the giveaway! I can’t wait to read it!
Heidi says
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Shelby Ignacio says
Gah! Can’t wait to read this after finishing the other books I’ve started.
Stephanie McGill says
LOVED this series. I don’t usually go for something “dark” no pun intended when I read for enjoyment but surprised how caught up in the story I was. I would recommend these to try something new for a change.
Kristen says
can’t wait to read this series!
Missy W. says
I cannot WAIT for the book!! The first two books had me in a daze for 3 weeks after reading!!
Nikki J says
Good Luck
Michelina D says
I love the male POV! Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for this awesome giveaway! 🙂
Tracey Sweeney says
Great giveaway thankyou and I love this series and I love the cover 🙂
Rachael Sauve says
Carrie Jones says
Great giveaway!
Dannica Alcantara says
I’m so excited for this one. I miss Caleb!
Elena says
Caleb is back!!!
Lindsey says
Yay again!