This is a quick post to say that Losing Hope is now live!! It’s an absolute a must-read for any fan of Hopeless. Holder’s story will grab a hold of your heart and never let go ♥
For those of you who are wondering, this is not just the same story as Hopeless retold. This is truly Holder’s story and while a few scenes do sync up between this and Hopeless, the story here is fresh, new and honestly moves in a very different direction. There was so much going on in Holder’s life that we just did not know about during Hopeless and this book tells that story.
It’s achingly beautiful, deeply emotional, and downright powerful. This is not a book you want to miss!
Be sure to read Hopeless first though. In my opinion, you do not need to re-read before starting this. This book will remind you of what you need to know when it’s important… but you do need to have read Hopeless at least once before starting because Losing Hope truly completes this journey.