4.5 – 5 stars (same rating as book #1)
“No. One. Comes. Before. You.”
I HEART RUSH!! and I loved this book!
Ohhhh this book was just so ADDICTIVE!!! There is something about Abbi Glines’ writing that makes me desperately just want more and more and more!!!
Its the kind of story you can just inhale in one sitting – a quick, deliciously angsty, drama-filled romance.
What made me love it was that I never once, not for one second EVER EVER EVER doubted how right Blaire and Rush were for each other, or how much they loved each other. That was clear and unwavering. That being said, they went through some pretty serious ups and downs, huge insecurities, a lot of mess ups and dysfunctionality along their road to making their relationship work.
At times it was a little ‘much’ for me, but I got the same feeling while reading this book that I get when I’m watching a really well-written TV show — its like, I know that sometimes its just “drama” but I just eat it up!
I’m not going to talk about the plot of this one at all. Its a direct continuation of book #1 (which should absolutely be read first) and the story picks up 3 weeks after the cliffhanger ending of the first one. There’s a bit of a twist that I suspected from book one that plays out in this book and basically affects the whole general story line. I loved it and loved where it took the characters.
The story was told in chapter-by-chapter alternating POVs so we were never left too long without understanding both sides of the story.
I seriously seriously seriously love Rush. That guy just makes my heart race. He’s hot, swoony, and flawed (not to mention tattooed and pierced). Just… gah! How can you not love him when he says stuff like this:
“There is nothing is rather do than be near you… [I’ll] take whatever the hell I can get when it comes to you… I will do anything. Anything, Blaire, just to be near you… You need me, I’m there.”
For the most part I really liked the way he handled things – I mean, sure he kept messing up and I wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him a few times but his mistakes were mostly understandable, and let me tell you, that man knew how to grovel. There was just no way you could doubt his intentions. I mean this was all new to him too – the first time he’d actually cared about someone enough to want a relationship… his first time actually falling in love.
It totally warmed my heart how he was never willing to just let any of their issues go. He tried to respect her space but at the same time was always pushing to try and work through them. You could just FEEL how much he was desperately head-over-heels in love with Blaire and you just KNEW that he’d do just about anything to protect her.
“Let me prove it to you. Leaving me doesn’t let me prove anything. You have to stay with me, Blaire. You have to give me a chance… Trust me to protect you and put you first.”
My heart just plain HURT when he messed up, or when unfortunate situations lead to misunderstanding and general angst but at the same time I love the feel that it gave the story – it kept you a little worried and yet totally invested in the character’s lives.
“I love you, Blaire. I love you so damn much it hurts.”
I felt bad for Blaire because for the most part, I understood her insecurities – about not being a part of his world, being reminded of it every day and being surrounded by reasons why they wouldn’t fit together. I liked that she wasn’t weak – she simply had trust issues brought on by all the men in her life, in some way or another, betraying her. And given Rush’s past and his family connections, it was hard for her to accept that she could actually put stock in his love for her.
“She’d lost everyone in her life she’d love and trusted. Why would she believe me? The only men in her life had left her. Betrayed her. She expected nothing else… I wasn’t letting anyone else hurt her.”
“I love her. I will stop at nothing to make sure she’s safe.”
There is some serious hotness in this book – much like in the first one. Some of those scenes had me fanning myself! Definitely adult.
And, rest easy! There is no cliffhanger at the end of this book!!! *whew* But, that being said, you are left wanting ‘more’. It leaves off at a happy place, but it was a bit abrupt. I would have definitely loved an epilogue or just a tiny glimpse into their future but I know there are going to be two more books in this series so, despite them not being focused on Blaire and Rush, I have high hopes of seeing more of them in the future and maybe of getting a giant swoony epilogue at the end of the whole series 🙂
“No man has ever loved a woman as much as I love you. Nothing will ever come before you. I don’t know what else I have to do to prove to you that I won’t let you down again. I won’t hurt you. You don’t have to be alone anymore. I need you.”
I absolutely LOVED this book and I would definitely recommend this series for everyone!
Kindle | Paperback | My Review
Kindle | Paperback | My Review
Kindle | Paperback | My Review
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Kindle | Paperback
Keshia says
Kristin says
I am so excited about this book. I have finals this week and am dying to get them done with so I can start reading.
Kris says
I absolutely cannot wait to start this one!
Alexandra Bennett says
LOVE this series!!!
Tina M says
I really really want to win this book..Thanks for a great giveaway..
Shaleen says
Amy Malek Concepcion says
Can’t wait to read this book. So many great reviews so far.
Leslie says
So excited to read the new book! Read Fallen Too Far way too fast!
Evelyn says
If Amazon would ever cooperate I could read this! can’t wait!
Renee says
Im so excited about the new book!! Can’t wait to read it!!!
jovana shirley says
thanks for all the great giveaways!
Dawn Bush says
Thank you! Waiting to read this!!
Heather @ Red Headed Bookworm says
I am dying to read this book. Thanks so much for posting and giving us the chance to win some great books!
Becky Warnick says
Thanks for the give away!
Priya says
Thank you for this giveaway!
Jill Spillman says
Cannot wait to read this!!
Gloria says
I so love Abbi Glines!!
Jackie P says
Can’t wait to see what happens.
Kristina says
Thanks!!! I think I need to reread fallen to far before never to far!!! I need alittle more Rush in my life <3
Shelby G says
Maybe I’ll finally win something <3 (:
jamie says
what a great review! got the book this morning! canNOT wait to start it! after reading this, I’m even more excited!!!!!
RacheRachel Wallace says
Thanks for the amazing giveaway
Katy Austin says
Just finished Never Too Far and LOOOOOOOOOVED IT!!!! love you rush teehee!!!!
Alisha says
So excited to read Never too far!!!
Beth says
Love Abbi Glines! Thanks for the giveaway.
Jessica says
Awesome! Thanks
Brettani villa says
Thanks for the chance to win!!! I ❤ all Abbi Glines books
Andrea James says
I’m DYING to read this! Come on Amazon!!!
Mariana says
Can’t wait to read it!
Tara says
What an amazing giveaway!! I’m a huge Abbi Glines fan!
Tina Rappa says
I can’t wait to read these books!!!!!
Alyssa says
I have a total Rush Crush!
Melissa Musson says
So excited for Never Too Far to go live on Amazon!!
Candy Turner says
LOVE Abbi!!! And cannot wait to read this book:-)
Delores Griffin says
Love all Abbi’s books, You know its good when you find yourself crying with the characters! Fallen too far was my favortie one so far. Can’t wait to read Never too far, when amazon decides to list it…
Kelly Scroggins says
I cannot wait to get this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Mick Murphy says
Thank you for the giveaway! I LOVED the first book and cannot WAIT to read this new one!
Ellen Trieu says
I just discovered this series not too long ago and it sounds really good! 😀 <33 I can't wait to read it!
Stacey Kennard says
Loved Never too far, if anything it was too short! could have had so much more story, was a lovely sweet ending,..
Jessica says
I am still waiting for Amazon to go live with this book….argghh! Thanks for the giveaway!
Maggie K. says
Yet another series that I must add to my pile. I love romance, drama and HEAs 🙂 — thanks for the giveaway.
Marina says
I love all Abbi´s books!!! I flew last night through NTF, I can´t wait to get my hands on Woods´ story!!
Demitra says
Abbi Glines is amazing author . I love all her books, thank you for the chance.
Zita R says
Looking forward to reading this book!
Jessica says
Not so patiently waiting for Never Too Far to go live on Amazon!!! Loved the first book, can’t wait for the second. I swear Abbi Glines gets better every time!!! Thanks, Aestas 🙂
Alicia Taylor says
Cannot wait for this!!
Holly says
Thank you for the amazing giveaway!
Elliot says
Sounds like it’s right up my alley!!
christley says
Although I have read this book I would still love to win it!! OMG Abbi Glines one of the best writers ever!!
Jeannette Medina says
Katja says
can’t wait!! 😀
Kendall McCubbin says
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
P.S. Love your review 😉
Megan Donohue says
Really want never tooo far!
Kaci B says
Ahh Amazon needs to get with the program! =) Thanks for the awesome giveaway! This is quickly becoming my favorite series.
Kim B. says
I’m excited for Never Too Far! Thank you for he giveaway!
Julie B. says
I am so excited to read this. I need more Rush! Thanks so much for the giveaway.
Stacy says
Can. Not. Wait.!!!! So excited 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway!
Nadia Hassan says
Omg thank you for the review and giveaway!!
Carey S. says
*keeping my fingers crossed* thanks for the opportunity!
Elizabeth Tardencilla says
Love Abbi Glines books!!Thank you for this giveaway
Valia says
OMW Can’t wait to read this!!!! Waiting for it to go live on Amazon! AH!
Rasc Alina says
Love love rush !!!
Crystal Barr says
Hell yeah! one word RUSH!
Teletha Pym says
Abbi Glines I love your books your an amazing writer think you for giving me moments to completely loose myself in a story. Cant wait to read your next book
Christina Labra says
Would love to win Never Too Far
Yvonne L says
Really want to read these books! Thanks for the giveaway
Gonzales. P says
Love Abbi Glines! Amazon, my patience is running thin.
Heather says
I loved Fallen too Far. Can’t wait to read Never too Far 🙂
Kara says
Love Abbi & all of her books!
Sarah Handrich says
LOVE Fallen Too Far!! Still waiting on Amazon to release Never Too Far!
Claire oakton says
I love Abbi Glines she is an amazing author every book she has written is just as good as the one before!!!! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Jessy says
Awesome book. Awesome giveaway good luck
Adrienne Scales says
Great review! Can’t wait to read this book.
Erica says
Loved the book!
Brandi Stetson says
Can’t wait!!! 🙂
Gaby says
Yay!! I’m so excites about this book!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Katie Galson Balog says
I’m so so angry at amazon!! I need Rush STAT! And omg, there’s going to be a 3rd and 4th book? You’re killing me here, in a good way of course;-)
Kelly Tannacore says
Great review, as always! I can’t wait to read this one. I loved Fallen Too Far, can’t wait to see where their story ends up. Thank you 🙂
Dariana Robinson says
Abbi needs to stop making me cry with her awesomeness!! And OMG Those HOT ASS!! SCENES IN NEVER TOO FAR WOOOO!!! HOT FLASHES!!!!
Jennifer N says
Can’t wait for it to come live!! Thanks!!
Crystal says
So excited to get this started! Got the kiddos laid down now it’s mommy time with some RUSH!
Karese Blackwell says
Can’t wait to read it 🙂
Ally says
CAN NOT wait to read this book!
mary says
Thanks Aesta, another great giveaway SQUEEEEEEEE
Stephanie says
I am so excited to read Never too Far! I love Abbi Glines! Thank you so much for all the hard work you guys do on your blog!
danielle james says
I need this book so bad! Want it, want it, want it. Fingers crossed!
Veronica says
just downloaded from Smashwords! Amazon really dropped the ball on this one! About to take a break at work to read!! Yikees, can’t wait. Love your books Abbi!
Katie Shelby says
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! Sounds really good
Lariza says
Awesome can’t wait to read this!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Donna says
Agghh Amazon is killing me! Great review 🙂 can’t wait to read it myself !!
Crissy Mackey says
Thank you for the giveaway! Congrats on the release on Never Too Far. I cannot wait to read it.
Eunice Jacob says
I bought the ebook the moment it was released and I stayed all night to read it! I loved every bit and I can’t wait for it it come out in paperback!!! ‘
Niki M says
Have added this to my never ending hook list! 😉
Cathy Lasky says
I am finding so many new authors and great books through your links. Thanks!
Jany says
Love Abbi Glines! Anything she writes!! Can’t wait for Amazon to finally release Never Too Far! It’s killing me!!!
Kristal says
I am un-patiently waiting for this to be released on amazon!
Crystal says
I love this Series and i cant wait to read the book!!!!
Chelsea Bergamo says
The wait for never too far on amazon has been killing me. I need more Rush Finlay!! I can’t wait to devour this book like I did Fallen. I’m sure Abbi Glines did an amazing job!
Andrea Silva says
I’m beyond excited and frustrated with Amazon! They ruined a day of celebration! I hope they get their act together Pronto!
Bridget Bowers says
I’ve been waiting for this book for about three weeks, I was lucky enough not to have stubbled upon Fallen Too Far months before this highly anticipated finale to the story of Rush and Blaire. All that being said, it has still felt like FOREVER! It says something about a review as well that leaves me hanging on the edge of my seat and just the teasers were enough to make me jump up and down knowing that being at work keeps me from diving into this series all over all. Thanks for the great review, I can’t wait to read this one for myself.
Leslie T. says
I am FINALLY reading Fallen Too Far and waiting for Amazon to get it together and release Never Too Far before I finish! Awesome review and giveaway, thanks!
Michelle Dion says
Ooh La La!!!
Evelyn recinos says
I cant Believe i havent read it yet bc Amazon is slacking off on uploading the book!
Lucia Valovcikova says
Cannot waitto read this book myself! Thanks for giveaway 🙂
Natalie says
Awsome 🙂
Christina B says
About 30% into NTF. <3 ing it!!!
CharliB says
What is wrong with Amazon???!!! I so want to read this book!!! Great giveaway! 🙂
Gabriela says
I love the series! Just finished Never Too Far and OMG! it had me almost crying at the end… Can’t wait for Twisted Perfection and Grant’s story to come out.
Sarah Schneider says
Natalia says
Can’t wait to read it!! 🙂
Gwen says
Thank you for the giveaway!
Kaci says
I can’t wait for book 2! I am rereading the first now! Awesome giveaway too!
ashleigh bryan says
love it
anna goddard says
Abbi Glines = literary genius
AMAZING indie author
characters that leave you wanting more.
plot development that knocks other books out of the water.
five stars
Jackie says
So excited for this book! thanks so much
Gayle Fulawka says
Loved these books.
Tonya K says
AGREED! I LOVED it. Such a great ending….O.M.G! I love LOVE lOVE Rush!
Sara G. says
I’m so frustrated with Amazon right now! Really want to read this!!
Kati says
Great review. I totally felt the same at the end – despite it being HEA, there are still issues that need to be worked out and I just don’t feel like their story is over… but with Woods’ and Grant’s books coming out, I imagine it is? I don’t know… the story needed something extra at the end. An epilogue would have been great, but I understand that since the series is continuing that can’t really happen… I don’t know.. maybe Abbi Glines has one more story in mind for them in the future, but isn’t telling us yet? ‘Cause that’d be awesome!!
Kimberly Wiley says
Love Abbi Glines can’t wait for more books from her however fallen to far is my favorite so far!!!
Kelly K says
Great review – as always 😉 Thanks for the giveaway!
Dawn says
Can’t wait to read this book!
Heather says
I have held off on reading this series, until the 2nd book came out, now that its available. its a green light!
Tatjana says
I love Abbi Glines… Can’t wait any longer! C’mon Amazon!
Tammi says
I can’t wait to read this. Thanks for the giveaway!
Debbie P says
After going through He$^ with Amazon, I really could use the opportunity to win a signed copy of Never Too FAr. Fingers crossedx.
Julie K says
Exciting!! Great giveaway!
Teresa Edwards says
would be awesome to win the first one since I haven’t read it YET! If it isn’t on my list to read I am adding it
Joanne Cowan says
Would love to win either, great review.
Lea says
I can`t wait to read this book…..thank you for the giveaway!!
Simone says
Just read the book thi morning 😀 I just love this series!
kristen Oesterling says
as always thank you!
karina says
Great review!
Jennifer Rhodes says
I have read Fallen Too Far. I am currently reading Never Too Far. I would already be done by now but Amazon never put it up so I downloaded the B&N app on my phone and bought the book. These have been the best books I have ever laid eyes on. Abbi Glines is one smart and interesting women. Blaire and Rush have tons of hurddles to overcome. But if there love is strong enough it can overcome anything. #RUSH #BLAIRE #ABBIGLINESROCKS
Kayla L. says
YAY!!!! <3
Brittany Evans says
Awesome giveaway!
Sarah Schwartz says
Great review and giveaway as always!! Can’t wait to read this!!!!
gloria says
love abbi! thank you!!!
Michelina says
Awesome review + giveaway!
Congrats to Abbi Glines on her release day ! 🙂
Anna G says
Thanks for the giveaway! both books are on my TBR list 🙂
Kylie Booth says
Wow awesome giveaway, thank you.
Deb says
Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win.
Fiona Hendry says
I’m from the UK & couldn’t wait until 7 March so downloaded Never Too Far from Smashwords. Finished the book & LOVED it!!! Thank you Abbi Glines. So very happy to hear about books 3 & 4!!
Bianca Perez says
Absolutely loved this book! Abbi Glines is such a great author and on her webchat yesterday she was so sweet and humble. 🙂 I can not put down any of her books.
Jolene says
Can’t wait until amazon lets me buy this book! But I’ll wait until after the give away:)
Desiree DeOrto says
I absolutely LOVED Fallen Too Far and can’t wait to read Never Too Far!!! eeeeeek!
Heather L says
I have the biggest book hangover ever from Never too far:) I may have to start whole series again to get my rush crush fix:) awesome books please mention rush and blaire lots in woods book!!!!!
Tiffany Zinkhon says
LOVED these two books. This is one series that stayed with me since I read the first one. Awesome giveaway too.
Michelle Graves says
I had no idea about these books, I’ll need to get right on that!
Cathryn Zuniga says
I read Never Too Far: Loved it, I want another Rush Blaire book to come out. I hope I win the signed book copy…..
Ali says
fallen too far was incredible, and then Never too Far is just as great
Abbi is a great author so of course her books are great! Love the giveaways! I mean who wouldn’t want a copy of these 2 books! Can’t wait to read the next 2 books!
Shai VIllanueva says
I really hope I’d win one of these, especially the ecopy of Never Too Far.. The first book was a major cliffhanger for me, so I think about it all the time and I think I’d be insane if I don’t read Never Too Far now </3
Tiffany says
I have been waiting all day to get this book an amazon!! I can;t wait to cuddle up on the couch tonight and read!!!
Tess H says
I’ve got a HUGE Rush crush! <3 Thanks for sharing your review and for the amazing giveaway!
Jennifer D. says
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
MissAmykins04 says
This is so cool! I would love to win! 😀
VickiG says
Finished the book yesterday! I loved every minute of it! I, too, needed more at the end- but you made my day; I was not aware of the additional books in the series. Can’t wait for Woods’ HEA- he is such a great guy!
Danielle says
I cannot wait to read this!!
Tiffany says
LOVED this book I just wish there was a book three
Deanna Pyles says
I have been waiting for this release! Abbi Glines is one of my fav authors! Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway!
Melanie Doulas says
Blaire and Rush might be one of my all time FAVORITE book couples.. These books make me so happy, I re-read Fallen Too Far again last night so I was read for Never Too Far today.. Sooo.. I just finished Never Too Far and I’m a complete mess.. This can’t be the end 🙁 I’m so sad.. I want this book to go on and on and on and on.. It’s the worst feeling when a story you really connect with and adore reaches closure.. Geesh.. Love Abbi.. Thanks for an AMAZING series! So wonderful!
Natascha vO says
Awesome series! I didn’t want it to end
Susan Cooley says
Just bought this on Amazon! Starting it right after dinner! I can’t wait!
Bella says
So in love with this cover 🙂 Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!
Nikki says
Awesome giveaway! Thanks!!
Liz says
I’ve heard really good things about these books, so I look forward to reading them!
robyn k says
thanks for the giveaway!
Shannon G says
Loved this story!!! Great review too!
Ena B. says
Once again you have an awesome giveaway
Chantel B says
Love it! 🙂
Jennifer says
I love your books!
Beatriz says
I’m totally dying to read Never Too Far!! I just finished Fallen Too Far today, so I NEED the next book. Even though your review didn’t give anything away about the plot, it made me want to read it that much more. Thanks for the giveaway!
Dominique L. says
Thanks for the chance!
Mindi King says
Really want these!
Olivia welch says
Thank u for the giveaway!
Nicoleta Dumbrava says
Congratulations, Abbi, for the release of Never Too Far and thank you, Aestas, for the giveaway!
Celsey Seivert says
Looks amazing!!! Added to my TBR list
Mel Bedford says
I really want to read this book!
Nikki Sparks says
Thanks for the giveaway! Halfway through Fallen Too Far! Can’t wait to read Never Too Far!!
Bayli Lane says
WANT <3 Lovely giveaway!
moni says
I really want to win the shook! Cant wait to read it! 🙂
Vicki Green says
Got it…can’t wait to read it! Totally been sooooo looking forward to it! Love Abbi Glines!
Jojo says
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Suzi H. says
OMG I am soo excited to read Never Too Far!! I just finished Fallen Too Far and it was AMAZING! 🙂
Josie Hink says
I want to read both of these..I love the covers!!!
briana says
So excited for this book to come out, thanks so much for the giveaway!!
Becky K. says
I’ve been waiting for this one! I was too much of a weenie to read Fallen until this one came out. Can’t wait to read them.!
Sabrina D. says
So excited to read this! Thanks for the giveaway!
Leslie T says
Awesome giveaway! Thank you for this chance 🙂
Mollie says
You always have the best giveaways!! Thanks!
Jenica Tuggle says
Would love the signed books! Reading Never too Far and love it!
Samantha T. says
It’s on my TBR list. So many good books came out this week!
Kendra says
I haven’t read either of these books, but from all of the comments everywhere I am seeing, I am definitely going to have to.
Brittany V says
LOVE this giveaway!! thank you 😀
Len Francisco says
Great giveaway!
Karen Morrison says
I just started reading tonight!! Love this story 🙂
Andrea @The Bookish Babe says
I loved this book soooo much!
Gaby says
Thank you for the giveaway!!
Maria Malaveci says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Faith D. says
I’m so in love with this book ♥ Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Preet says
I’m not surprised you loved the book! Abbi is a fantastic writer and her characters are so easy to like. She has magic that always come together to give us a fantastic book!
Michelle Lovell says
Best giveaway EVER!
Christina Garner says
Love the cover! This book sounds great and it on my To Read list 🙂
gdgetgrl says
can’t wait to start reading!!!
Kim Karr says
Fantastic review and can’t wait to read.
Erika says
Awessome.. Thanks for the chance at the give away!
Michelle Morris says
I’m so excited that this book has finally released! I can’t wait to read it 🙂
Alba @ BookPics says
I’ve seen people going crazy over these 2 books.
I’ll have to check it out soon.
Thanks for the giveaway 😀
Veronica Louis says
Wow! What a great review! For sure want to read it! Abbi Glines’s books never disappoint me. I love all her books and i’m sure i’ll be loving this book too! Thank you for doing this giveaway! =)
Karen says
You have a really great review! Loved the book! I also thought #2 was much better than #1. I felt like Fallen Too Far gave me closure, but not how I would have wanted it. Never Too Far gave the perfect tug and pull at the heartstrings you’d want from a romance and left me completely satisfied!
Shelly Ford says
Awesome sauce! I need this book!!!
Rosa Ortega says
Great 2nd book. Totally in love with Rush. I do think we need more Blaire and Rush. I need more!
Bea Tejano says
thanks for the giveaway!:) I just finished Never Too Far and loved it:)
Megan Keith says
I love Abbi Glines! Her writing is awesome. I have been holding off on reading Fallen Too Far until Never Too Far came out. I was all set to start reading them both today but then found out that I have to wait until March 7 because I am in Australia. Winning this comp would be fantastic!
NC says
Love both Fallen too Far & Never too Far! thanks for the giveaway!
Dannica Alcantara says
I so love the first book… i’ll be reading Never too Far for the next days.. So excited!
Thanks for this. Hoping to win~~
Karey says
Can’t wait to read it!
Jordan says
So excited!
Cheryl Lane says
Loved, Loved, Loved these books. So excited that Abbi is going to write a book 3 for Blaire and Rush!!!
Angie K says
I LOVELOVELOVE this Series!! Thanks for the giveaway!!! I <3 Rush!!
Yu Mei says
I never been so excited waiting to read a book before. I just read Fallen too far a few weeks earlier and found out that the next book going to be release a few weeks later. The news makes me so happy!!!! Thank you so much for creating this website and sharing ur fav books that u have read with all ur followers.
Tracey says
Loved these books!!!! So glad Abbi is going to write a 3rd book!
Shannon Fuhrman says
Gah! I can’t wait to read this book, loved the first one!!
Rose. P says
I love the covers of these books. In fact, I love the covers of a lot of her books!
Thanks for the chance!!
Alexandra says
Ohhh Rush <3
Ashley O'Rourke says
Looking forward to reading!!! xoxoxo
Nicole Tetrev says
Aerosmith giveaway
maria m says
Thank you so much for this awesome give away!!
Laura Mendez says
This is freaking awesome 🙂
Dee McGee says
You are the best Aestas!
Shannon M says
I love all of Abbi’s books!!!
wanda says
Love love love
Erin Hill says
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Wendy says
Aestas………….again!!!! another amazing giveaway.
I have the biggest crush on Rush Finlay! Oh, lord….and Woods too. GAAADSSS…
I can’t wait for his story.
Thank you!
Tina says
I’m reading Fallen Too Far, and I’m loving it.
Tracy says
Looking forward to reading this one 🙂
Jennifer Berg says
I literally devoured this book. It was a “Don’t bother Mommy…she reading” night!
allison says
Amazing giveaway!!!
Sara S. says
Great giveaway 🙂
Kristina Massaro says
Fallen Too Far would look amazing in my bookcase! ; )
Kel says
I really need to read these…they have been on my TBR for awhile now. 🙂
Sam says
YAY! Thank you!! Love me some Rush!<3
Stephanie Harper Mulford says
I loved this book! I agree when I read the last sentence and then saw “The End” my jaw literally hit the ground and I thought WTH? I am happy to know we are going to get more Blaire and Rush!
Brandy says
This series is amazing. Abbi Glines is an amazing writer
kincaid (christy) says
Awesome giveaway…love these books!
Melanie Fleischhauer says
I love this series!!! Thanks for another awesome giveaway!!!
Rita Xico says
You are awesome… So many giveaways!! I love Abbi Glines! Can’t wait to read it!
Vickie J says
Yay! I love these books and Abbi! LOL Thanks for the chance to win!!
Ashley Rogers says
WOOOHOOOO i have been waiting to read this! Thanks so much for this giveaway!
Vickie Milizia says
Great giveaway
Olivia welch says
Another day of wonderful fun!
Brittany says
Awesome giveaway! 🙂
Sandy Borrero says
Dying to read this book! Thanks!
carrie sutton says
Cannot wait to get started on this one. Congrats on the new book release
Robin says
Love Rush!
Laura says
Well worth the wait. I loved these books.
Carole Martin says
Already hearing great things about this book!
Amber Slagle says
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Lisa w says
Awesome!! This would be amazing to win!
amy crull says
I loved the first book and I am waiting to read this one ! I really hope I win this giveaway
Ashley Rasmussen says
Thanks! Love Abbi Glines!
Gina G says
Loved fallen.. Never is waiting… Can’t wait to read. Great giveaway.
Jennifer N says
Love Abbi and her books!! Sad to see that others aren’t happy for her in her success of Never Too Far, in one day!! I’m just excited to see that we will get more Rush and Blair in the future!! Thank you for offering the giveaway!
Jenny V says
Thanks for the giveaway! I’m looking forward to this 🙂
julissa t. says
I spend the whole night reading “Never too Far” i love it as I love the 1st one. Can’t wait to know more about Rush!
Tracy says
thanks for the giveaway!
Andrea11 says
I loved the first book. I bought the second one yesterday but I haven’t started it yet. Good luck everyone!
Dinky says
Awesome giveaway, thank you very much!!! 🙂
Karen says
Thanks for the review & giveaway, can’t wait to read them!
Annie says
I’m just finishing Never Too Far. I love it! Thanks for the giveaway.
Samantha Windham says
Ah! Thank you so much for this giveaway!!
Claudia says
I loved both books!!! I just read about there being a third book on Blaire and Rush, sooooooo excited!!!! Thanks for the giveaway.
Erica Mullins says
Awesome giveaway!!! Loved both books! Love Rush and Woods!!!! Can’t wait for his book!
Tina says
*sigh* Rush! I have a total Rush crush! Thanks for this giveaway!
Heather says
Loved these books!!!
Zita R says
Looking forward to reading this one!
Edyta R says
Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love to win Never Too Far
Janell Yanik says
Whoop whoop
Jessie says
She wrote a blog post saying she’s writing a third book!!!!
Natasha liggett says
i can’t wait for never too far to be available on amazon UK. I have been waiting ages to read it. I love Rush!! Abbi is one of my top 5 authors!! thanks for the giveaway!!
Brandy says
I did inhale it in one sitting 🙂 Lovin’ me some Abbi Glines
Amanda M. says
Great books!! Love Abbi Glines 🙂
Bube says
Thank you for this giveaway 🙂
Abbi Glines iz amazing writer! :))
Nicole A. says
Thank you for the giveaway!!! 🙂
Brittanie says
This. Book. I can’t wait to read it!!
Sue Tint says
I read Never Too Far in just about 5 hours,,, I got it from smashwords and started reading it immediately… Couldn’t get enough. Loved it!
Brandy says
Another awesome giveaway. THank you!!
Aly P says
Read both books and was blown away! Thanks for the chance.
Hoang says
Awesome giveaway!
Angela Love says
Thank You and I would Love to win….:)
Emma says
Can’t wait to read Never Too Far!
Gretchen Lomax says
Great review & giveaway! Love Rush & Blaire!
Lorena says
Loved NTF! I love Abbi!
Kim says
I love her books, this two were great!
Cindy Barton says
Thank you for offering the book up for a giveaway.
Caro says
Loved this books!
Sheri Zee says
Did someone say signed? I love me some signed books!
Serena Knautz says
Oh how I loved BOTH of these books and can’t wait for more!
Jess Nunes says
i fell in love with fallen too far by the first page, and when never too far came around i couldnt wait to get started!!! i finished never too far in a matter of hours, it was that addictive.
i would totally love a signed copy!! would make me soooooooooooooo happy 🙂
Brenna says
I’m planning on starting these soon! 😉 I held out because of the cliffy in FTF.
Leanne Coulson says
I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about these books…I’d love a signed copy to read and save!! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway.
Cindy says
Great books and great giveaway, thank you!
Debra Diaz says
Reading it right now, so excited!
Mindy S says
l love these books !! Thank you for the giveaway !! sethmo1999@yahoo.com
Jen B says
I LOVE Abbi GLines!!! She totally ROCKS!!
Molly F. says
I LOVE this series! I can’t wait to read the second book. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
Kathy R. says
Fell in love with these books!! Love her work and looking forward to more!!
betsy b says
What a great giveaway! Thanks
betsy b says
Love Rush and Blaire! What a great giveaway! Thanks!!! <3
Heather says
Abbi glines is my FAVORITE author ever! I love all her books and wish for many more to com!
chris says
awesome review & giveaway
Jamie says
Loved both of these books and can’t wait to read more of the series from Abbi!
Starla Young says
I loved the first book right until the cliffhanger at the end. 🙁 I could not wait to read this one and find out more about Blair and Rush. I love Abbi Gline’s books. They are amazing! I really liked the reveiw and thank you for the giveaway chance.
Jenn says
Abbi Glines is awesome and so are you! Thanks for holding so many giveaways and writing such good reviews!
Ileana A. says
I have heard a lot about Abbi’s books! I would love to read them very much!
Thanks for the chance!
Sónia Costa says
I cannot wait to start this one!
Yvette says
Pick me!!! Loved these books
Dione Sage says
Abbi Glines is amazing! Truly, love her stories! Thanks for this giveaway…another thing that tops my list of amazing is this blog! Keep up the great blogging 🙂
Denise says
I’d love to win this!
Darcy Fifield says
Cannot wait to read this one!
Carly Roney says
I love this series- Rush is so swoon worthy <3
Darcy Fifield says
Cannot wait to read! Love Abbi!
Gwen says
Great giveaway. Love Rush & Blaire. <3
Alexandra says
Thanks for the chance!! Love the blog! (:
Rebecca Ross says
Thank you for this giveaway
Tamara Beard says
AH-MAY-ZIING GIVEAWAY!!! Thanks bunches <3
Heather Tuck says
Thanks for the giveaway !!!!!!!!!!!!
Kimberly Sheridan says
Thanks for the chance to win!
Kimberly Sheridan says
Let’s get this party started
Mihaela says
Thank you for the oportunity and good luck to everyone!!
Jody Duffy says
Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I love this blog. Abbi has been a favorite of mine since Vincent Boys and Sea Breeze Series.
Jennifer Cajas says
Omg I hope I win thanks for the giveaway xoxo
Kim B says
Thank you for the giveaway.
Susana Uribe says
I can’t wait to buy the book, i’m totally broke with all this new books! Thanks for the giveaway
eleni nichlou says
i absolutely loved the first book and i can’t wait for the second one!!!!!!
Krystal says
These sound like great books. Def going on my TBR list.
salli says
Read the series in two day! Im in love!
Jansen says
I <3 Abbi Glines!!! She rocks!!!
Lily Ann Quilala says
Another awesome giveaways 🙂 I hope I win!
Elizabeth (@Fuze83) says
Jeanette Mancine says
Awesome GIveaway Thanks!!!
Roxanne says
All Abbi Glines does is write amazing books! Love every single one of them!!
Erica Pillera says
Been waiting for Kobo to put it up but so far nothing, I Cant wait to read it!!!!!!
Awesome giveaway!!!!
Marilyn Pigott says
I love this series AND Abbi Glines!
Renee Gonzales says
I have read both books and absolutely love them… Although i think I like the first one more just because of the killer ending!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win signed books.
Scarlett Camaj says
Can’t wait!
Mandy I Read Indie says
eeep!! great giveaway as usual!
debi quick says
I read both books and records time it took me 2 hours per book love the storyI recommend it to anyone it’s a must read!!! ♥♥♥♥
Karoline says
Loved this book! Made my Rush Crush even worse!!!
Julie B. says
Love your reviews and love love love this book! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Jovhanna says
awesome giveaway and totally want to win this so bad 🙂
Renee Sherman says
Love all your books!!! I’m hoping you’ll write the other boys story. I would love to know more about woods,garret, and nan…
Munirah says
I loved Fallen Too Far and I cannot wait to read Never Too Far! Thanks for the giveaway!
Lacey T says
Love this series!!! Abbi Glines is one of my favorite authors ever 🙂 Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
Penelope says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Chasity Morris says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Simona says
Thank you for this awesome chance!
Awesome review!! 😀
Carolyn Valdez says
You have great giveaways. Thanks for the chance to win this book.
Laura Harris says
Thanks for the chance to win! I loved Fallen Too Far and I know I will love Never Too Far also!
Kirsty says
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Angela Worthington-Thomson says
I absolutely love these books!! I stayed up last night until 1 so I could finish Never to Far!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Lexie Mendicino says
Love me some Rush!!!!!
jayme hallman says
Another great giveaway! Thanks! Loved both of these books.
Emily says
I can’t wait to read this book 🙂
Nikki says
I was waiting on the second to come out to read these. Can’t wait.
Brianna Lee Book Reviews says
Great post and giveaway ! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Tina says
So excited for this giveaway! LOVE RUSH!
Lu Bielefeld says
Thanks for the giveaway.
Billiann says
I loved the first book and cannot wait to read this one!!
nicki says
cant wait to read this book 🙂 thanks
Chrissy says
Read both books in a day…SO addictive. I love it!
Susana says
Thank you for this great giveaway!
Tawnya Peltonen says
Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!
Jamie says
Thanks for the giveaway! This book looks great!
Julee says
Awesome giveaway!!!
Kylee Beck says
Excited to read these books! Heard great things about them!
Alexandra says
Great give away love to win to put it beside my signed bookmarks from the sea breeze series 🙂
Ashley K. says
Loved the first book! Thanks for the giveaway!
Laura Hill says
Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
Kristen says
Oh. My. God. These freaking books!!! <3 them!
Jeannine says
Glad I was finally able to get it on Kindle – that wait was killing me! Another great book!
Noemi says
Wow what a great giveaway!!!
Peggy Hart says
Thanks or the awesome giveaway! 🙂
Venus Windmiller says
Would love to win Abbi’s books signed! 🙂
Debbie Lemon says
I can’t think of a series I liked more than this one.Simply loved Rush. I call it my love crush lol Hope there is more to come.Thank you Abbi for writing such a excellent series.
Jolene A says
Amazing giveaway!! Crossing Fingers
Vanessa says
awesome giveaway, thanks! 🙂
Lisa pope says
Thanks so much!! I liked both books but I wanted more from NTF. I wanted to see a bit more of Rush dating Blair and winning her back. Still very enjoyable reads 🙂
Carmen Baker says
Love this series so addicted to it.
Katrina Camacho says
Thank you Abbi, I’m so glad that you can share your passion of writing with us! I love me some Rush. Hope there is more of Rush & Blaire…
Karen DeCesaris says
What an awesome giveaway!!! Fingers crossed
Joanne Careri says
Love this series!
Samien says
I loved the first book and can’t wait for the 2nd!
Reyna Lay says
ooh! This sounds so good! Hope I can win it so I can read! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Jessica says
She’s writing a third book for Rush and Blaire! 🙂
alicia says
One day I will be lucky enough to win…
Lee Clements says
thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
Alisha says
Can’t wait to read Never too Far 🙂 love your blog
lorraine m says
Loved signed books, and A book from Abbi Glines would be great. Great giveaway!
jenna says
I wanna win! love giveaways and you give us so much! thank you lovelies x
Kristin Decker says
I would love to read this!
Yesenia says
great giveaway!! Love Abbi Glines!
Becky says
I’m excited to read these books 🙂
tanya lopez says
Rush crush! I love Abbi Glines!
Donna Grizzle says
Great giveaways! Thanks for the recommendations and the chat. 🙂
Sara Batson-Edmunds says
Love this series!
Irene Rosa says
Can’t wait to read both. Good luck to everyone
Jennifer Singh says
I loved Fallen Too Far. I’m 20% into Never Too Far and I love it already. Can’t wait to see what happens.
Micah DeLozier says
I’m so excited about the giveaway! I just love Abbi Glines. I’ve been following her and have become such a huge fan! Seeing her live fan-chat the other night was amazing. She’s just a great person and author! ❤
Melanie Dawn says
Love this series!!!
Kim Box Person says
Awesome giveaway, as always! I love Abbi’s books <3
Rochelle Kolar says
Loved loved loved the book and your blog!!!!
Sylvia Buonanni says
Appreciative, as always, to have the opportunity to win!
S. L. Dearing says
Looks fantastic!! Great Blog!! Great Contest!!
Jill Prandstatter says
Love Rush!!! Can’t wait for the next book!
Andrea Gregory says
This would be awesome to win!
Sandy Borrero says
I can’t wait to read this one! Great giveaway!
Olivia welch says
So excited! Thx!
Kerry Erickson says
This sounds awesome! thank you for the giveaway!
Kylie Booth says
Awesomeness thank you for your giveaways
Tabitha says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Danielle Grater says
Never Too Far is at the top of my TBR list… I just have to get though the books I borrowed first!
missy says
Thank you for the chance for this awesome giveaway!
Rachel bohnenkamp says
I want to win this soooooooooo bad!!
Natalie Idrogo says
I want to read these!!
Nicole says
I loved this book. Can’t wait to start the second one!!!
Karina Limas says
Love it 🙂
Cathy Tudon says
I am in major Rush withdrawal right now!!!! I can hardly wait for Book 3!!
Chantel says
Love this review and this series!