I was on tagged Facebook to list my Top 10 Books That Have Stayed With Me In Some Way… and I wasn’t planning to do it at first because I didn’t think I could manage to only list 10. I guess I just felt like there are so many books I love that I’d feel weird, or even guilty, only naming a few of them because lets face it… I know that all of us have a ton of books we love and adore.
But this wasn’t just asking books I loved or even my “favorite books”, it was literally books that somehow just stuck with me over time so please remember, this is different than a normal favorites list. And, as such, there are 2 books/series listed on it that I’ve never even mentioned before on this blog!
(PS: Thanks Abby C. for the tag!)
Also, I’ve only listed books I’d read prior to 2013 or preferably even way before then. I took this quite literally to mean books that have had a chance to stay with me for a while so even though I have many newer books that have had a strong impact on me, I tried to focus on the ones I’ve loved for longer here…
- The Bronze Horseman series by Paullina Simons (My Review) — This is (and I think always will be) the story that has had the strongest and deepest impact on me. It’s the most powerful and epic love story I’ve ever read. And, even though there are many favorite books I love with all my heart and soul, I honestly can’t imagine any other story ever having this strong an impact on me which it’s why I’ve put it on a pedestal as my one and only 10-stars series. It’s absolutely incomparable in my eyes.
- Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James — I owe this book for getting me seriously into contemporary romance. I read it back when it first came out as an indie and even though I’d read a few before this and loved them, this was the series that made me go ‘OMG. I want more!’ … For me, and I think for many other readers of romance, this book was a reading life changer. It’s one of those series I could re-read endlessly and it would still make my heart race each time. *sigh* I love you, CG.
- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer — The vampire who fell in love with the innocent human… This was the first 100% romance series I ever read and I fell in complete and total love with Edward. I think the entire romance world owes this book so much. Not only did I adore this book on it’s own merit but I also love it for the incredible creativity it inspired. So many of my top favorite books today originated as fanfiction of this book and I’m so grateful that this story inspired so many authors to write.
- Slammed series by Colleen Hoover (My Review) — Oh gosh, I can still so vividly remember the heart-racing intensity I felt the first time I read this book. That twist!!!! This was still one of the first contemporary romances I’d ever read so I have no idea what to expect and it totally caught me off guard and took over my life!! This was the first book I officially pimped out to anyone who I could get to read it. I even made my parents read it (PS – they loved it!). It was the first book I reviewed — my review was very short but it was something and it inspired me to keep reviewing. But this was the first time I just had to get my feelings about a book out because I loved it that much. And I still do.
- Bared To You (Crossfire #1) by Sylvia Day (My Review) — This was the first (and only book) that I’ve ever read straight through and then immediately flipped it right over and started it over again. The kind of relationship that Gideon and Eva have is the kind I most love reading about — characters with a lot of pain in their pasts, who love each other with every fiber of their beings and are doing everything in their power to work together to build a functional relationship. The writing, the characters, the story, everything about this book is just perfection to me.
- Thoughtless series by SC Stephens (My Review) — My first rockstar book and still my favorite one!! Kellan Kyle. Holy hell. The things this book did to my heart. The angst was like nothing I’d ever read before. My stomach was in knots. My heart was pounding. I literally stayed up til the wee hours of the morning glued to the pages of this book. Safe to say, it was another life changer for me as a reader.
- The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred (My Review) — This was the book that made me fall in love second chance romances. I remember inhaling this book in one sitting. Such strong emotions — such intense emotions — and gorgeous writing. Even looking back now, I can still feel for this story even though it’s been quite a while since I read it so yeah… this one has stayed with me.
- Captive In The Dark by CJ Roberts (My Review) — This was the first ‘dark romance’ book I read and it is absolutely still my #1. This book pushed the boundaries of my comfort zones to the very very very limits and me questioning my feelings (and my sanity because of those feelings) over and over again. There was nothing black and white about this story. It was all about the grey zone. Such a twisted and yet beautiful love story. Incredible writing, complex and multi-layered characters, and just this emotionally draining, utterly mindfucking, meticulously crafted story. Gah. I loved this series!
- Love Me With Lies series by Tarryn Fisher (My Review) — It’s kind of a big deal for me that I’m listing these books here because on the surface they seem like the polar opposite of the kind of story I love. Interestingly, this series ended up as one of my 5-star top favs. It’s easily the most heart-breakingly dysfunctional love story I’ve read but also one of the most beautiful. People aren’t perfect and this story had a raw honesty to it that just reached right into my heart. And the writing is outstanding. Truly brilliant story telling.
- Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3) — Ok, so I’ve never mentioned this series on my blog before because a) I don’t have reviews for them because I read them before I started blogging, and b) the series is kind of a romance and yet, it’s also not. I’d probably classify them as sexy, dark urban fantasy. There are strong relationships and very dark, sexual themes but the whole story is just in it’s own category all together. The world that this author created is entirely, 100% unique and very complex. Gosh, I’ve probably read this trilogy at least 10 times over minimum and it was one of those where the more I read it, the more I loved it. It has Alpha men, strong women, completely original world building but it’s completely unlike anything else I usually blog about. I’ve also never mentioned them because I guess in a weird way, I feel like I need to explain them a little or something (they’re really different)… One day, I’ll re-read and review them but for now, I’ll just add them to this list. (PS: please don’t judge them on their covers. Seriously.)
- Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind — This is a fantasy series (like actual fantasy, not fantasy romance) that is another that I’ve read so many times but never before mentioned on my blog since it’s not specifically a romance. There is however a single, strong, unwavering love story throughout all 11 (looooong) books. This series as a whole has a set of very powerful messages which really resonate strongly with me personally and even though this is really not the kind of series that fits in with this blog per se, it’s one of those ones that has always stayed with me.
k, so 11 is close to 10 right?? haha I cheated a little. Sorry! 😉 There are so many other honourable mentions … so many more unforgettable stories. But I’m trying to stick to the rules here. So instead, I’ll just refer you to my favorites list for each of the years I’ve been blogging…
What about you? What are the Top 10 Books That Have Stayed With You?
I’d love to see your choices so feel free to comment below with them!! 😀